Class Details

The Great-er Debate: Grades 7, 8 & 9


Course Description

Should homework be banned? Are sports stars paid too much? Is social media helping or hurting our society? You might be brooding over these issues, but don't know how to express your opinion to others. Gain the skills to confidently argue either side of the debate. Work with a team of like-minded students to strategize, mobilize and mesmerize - wow your family and friends with word wizardry. Who knows, by the end of the week, you might even be able to convince your parents to raise your allowance! Bring a bag lunch to camp each day.

Course Schedule

This class has already started or is not currently being offered. For more information about this class, contact the PPL office at or call 734-462-4448.

** book required
* book and USB required
+ USB required
< required for Certificate of Photography