Class Details
Raising Butterflies in the Garden
Course Description
Do you want Monarchs, Giant Swallowtails, or American Lady butterflies in your landscape? Plant for them! Author, butterfly house founder, and local butterfly association president, Brenda Dziedzic, will share the necessary components of a Butterfly Garden. Discover how native plant species create biodiversity and attract these brilliant and fascinating insects. To ensure vegetarian or gluten-free meals call 734-462-4448 at least 7 business days prior to the event. A 1.5 hr. lunch is not included in the CEU total.
Course Schedule
This class has already started or is not currently being offered. For more information about this class, contact the PPL office at or call 734-462-4448.
** book required
* book and USB required
+ USB required
< required for Certificate of Photography