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Course Description

English - ENG 102

English Composition 2

3 Credit Hours
3 Lecture Hours

Course Description

This course teaches students to conduct and integrate research and write the research paper. This process assists students in developing research and writing strategies to use in a variety of college and professional contexts.


(A requirement that must be completed before taking this course.)

  • ENG 101 with a minimum grade of 2.0 or minimum score of 22 ACT-English, 29 SAT-Writing and Language, 108 CPT-Sentence Skills or 276 NGA-Writing.

Course Competencies

Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  • Write short and long papers using primary and secondary research.
  • Conduct dependable on-site, Internet and/or library research for college-level essays, papers or reports.
  • Evaluate researched sources for authority, credibility and relevance.
  • Employ different strategies of integrating research by way of summarizing, paraphrasing and quoting.
  • Construct accurate entries for bibliographies and Works Cited lists.
  • Demonstrate proper MLA or APA style in research papers.
  • Prepare different types of outlines.
  • Apply research strategies to appropriate writing situations.
  • Prepare a documented college-level research paper.

Course Schedule

 CourseSectionCourse TitleLocationCredit HoursInstructorsSeats Available ⁄Capacity ⁄WaitlistStatusFeeDays-Time-Room

Winter; 2025; ENGLISH; No of Weeks : 7; Begins : 03/10/2025

 102111403English Composition 2MC3Harden A0/28/0Closed$0.00T R  10:00 AM-01:10 PM LA475
 102112449English Composition 2ONL3Thomson A R1/30/0Open$0.00 
 102112777English Composition 2ONL3Scott M12/30/0Open$0.00 
 102112939English Composition 2ONL3Barnes B0/30/0Closed$0.00 
 102112947English Composition 2ONL3Thomson A R1/30/0Open$0.00 

Winter; 2025; ENGLISH; No of Weeks : 12; Begins : 01/27/2025

 102111401English Composition 2MC3Thompson M0/28/0Closed$0.00T R  08:00 AM-09:46 AM LA405
 102111411English Composition 2MC3Thompson M0/28/0Closed$0.00T R  10:00 AM-11:46 AM LA300
 102111416English Composition 2MC3Chapman-Morales R0/28/0Closed$0.00T R  12:00 PM-01:46 PM LA460
 102111422English Composition 2MC3Harden A0/28/3Closed$0.00T R  02:00 PM-03:46 PM LA460
 102111427English Composition 2MC3Williams K0/28/0Closed$0.00M W  08:00 AM-09:46 AM LA310
 102112387English Composition 2ONL3Scott M1/30/0Open$0.00 
 102112469English Composition 2ONL3Barnes B0/30/1Closed$0.00 
 102112763English Composition 2ONL3Kallas J21/30/0Open$0.00 
 102112765English Composition 2ONL3Barnes B1/30/0Open$0.00 
 102112767English Composition 2ONL3Barnes B0/30/2Closed$0.00 
 102112975English Composition 2ONL3Thomson A R0/30/2Closed$0.00 
 102112983English Composition 2ONL3Thomson A R1/30/0Open$0.00 
 102113321English Composition 2SYNC3Spacil A3/30/0Open$0.00F  09:00 AM-12:38 PM WEBWEB

Winter; 2025; ENGLISH; No of Weeks : 15; Begins : 01/06/2025

 102111407English Composition 2MC3Poswalk J0/28/1Closed$0.00M W  12:30 PM-01:56 PM LA465
 102111409English Composition 2MC3Williams K0/28/0Closed$0.00M W  10:00 AM-11:26 AM LA440
 102111412English Composition 2MC3Briggs B2/28/0Open$0.00T R  01:00 PM-02:26 PM LA465
 102111413English Composition 2MC3Tucker C0/28/0Closed$0.00T R  11:30 AM-12:56 PM LA465
 102111414English Composition 2MC3Ditouras H0/28/1Closed$0.00T R  10:00 AM-11:26 AM LA460
 102111417English Composition 2MC3Masterson K3/28/0Open$0.00M W  11:30 AM-12:56 PM LA470
 102111418English Composition 2MC3Barnes B0/28/0Closed$0.00M W  01:00 PM-02:26 PM LA400
 102111419English Composition 2MC3Poswalk J13/28/0Open$0.00M W  02:30 PM-03:56 PM LA310
 102111420English Composition 2MC3Griffiths B3/28/0Open$0.00M W  10:00 AM-11:26 AM LA470
 102111424English Composition 2MC3Bentley J0/28/0Closed$0.00M W  11:00 AM-12:26 PM LA460
 102111433English Composition 2MC3Tucker C14/28/0Open$0.00T R  09:30 AM-10:56 AM LA410
 102111441English Composition 2MC3Berg S13/28/0Open$0.00M W  01:30 PM-02:56 PM LA475
 102112437English Composition 2ONL3Barnes B1/30/1Closed$0.00 
 102112768English Composition 2ONL3Hays S0/30/0Closed$0.00 
 102112943English Composition 2ONL3Ditouras H0/30/2Closed$0.00 
 102112948English Composition 2ONL3Ditouras H0/30/1Closed$0.00 
 102112958English Composition 2ONL3Scott M1/30/0Open$0.00 
 102112991English Composition 2ONL3Scott M2/30/0Open$0.00 
 102112995English Composition 2ONL3Hays S2/30/0Open$0.00 
 102113308English Composition 2SYNC3Herron J0/30/0Closed$0.00S  09:00 AM-11:52 AM WEBWEB
 102118610English Composition 2MC3Ditouras H0/28/0Closed$10.00F  10:00 AM-12:52 PM LA340
 102118650English Composition 2MC3Herron J19/28/0Open$10.00M W  06:00 PM-07:26 PM LA320
 102118660English Composition 2MC3Fundukian L21/28/0Open$10.00T  06:00 PM-08:52 PM LA340

Key: Day of the Week

  • T = Tuesday
  • R = Thursday
  • S = Saturday
  • X = Sunday