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Course Description

Psychology - PSYCH 201

Introductory Psychology

4 Credit Hours
4 Lecture Hours

Course Description

Principles of human thought and action with emphasis on individuals in their environment; individual differences in intelligence and personality; effects of heredity and environment on the organism; and the nervous system, perception, learning, intelligence, motivation and emotion and social relationships will be explored.


(A requirement that must be completed before taking this course.)

  • None.


  • Successful completion of courses in Biology and Social Science at the 100 level.

Course Competencies

Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  • Evaluate psychological studies with a research methodology approach.
  • Apply statistical reasoning and concepts to psychological research.
  • Explain the structures and the functions of brain anatomy.
  • Analyze the influences of nature and nurture on behavior and mental processes.
  • Compare the biological, cognitive and social changes across the life-span.
  • Examine the major conceptual and theoretical orientation in social psychology.
  • Apply the major concepts and theoretical approaches to learning.
  • Classify common psychological disorders.
  • Explain the major processes involved in human memory.
  • Summarize different states of consciousness and their impact on behavior and mental processes.
  • Apply emotions, stress and health models to everyday human behaviors and mental processes.
  • Compare theoretical orientations in the study of personality.

Course Schedule

 CourseSectionCourse TitleLocationCredit HoursInstructorsSeats Available ⁄Capacity ⁄WaitlistStatusFeeDays-Time-Room

Fall; 2024; PSYCHOLOGY; No of Weeks : 7; Begins : 10/22/2024

 201142358Intro PsychologyONL4Pilgrim C0/31/1Closed$0.00 
 201142992Intro PsychologyONL4Schulz-Perez K9/31/0Open$0.00 
 201142998Intro PsychologyONL4Schulz-Perez K16/31/0Open$0.00 

Fall; 2024; PSYCHOLOGY; No of Weeks : 12; Begins : 09/17/2024

 201142131Intro PsychologyMC4Morgan T0/28/3Closed$0.00M W  04:00 PM-06:26 PM LA160
 201142335Intro PsychologyONL4Jones S3/31/3Closed$0.00 
 201142396Intro PsychologyONL4Jackson L0/31/3Closed$0.00 
 201142425Intro PsychologyONL4Pilgrim C0/31/2Closed$0.00 
 201142461Intro PsychologyONL4Schell D0/31/0Closed$0.00 
 201142723Intro PsychologyONL4Schell D0/31/1Closed$0.00 
 201142734Intro PsychologyONL4Schell D0/31/2Closed$0.00 

Fall; 2024; PSYCHOLOGY; No of Weeks : 15; Begins : 08/26/2024

 201142104Intro PsychologyMC4LaJoy M0/31/3Closed$0.00M W  10:00 AM-11:53 AM LA440
 201142106Intro PsychologyMC4LaJoy M0/31/3Closed$0.00M W  12:00 PM-01:53 PM LA440
 201142107Intro PsychologyMC4Morgan T3/31/0Open$0.00M W  12:00 PM-01:53 PM LA330
 201142108Intro PsychologyMC4Jackson L0/28/0Closed$0.00T R  08:00 AM-09:53 AM LA360
 201142110Intro PsychologyMC4Jackson L0/28/1Closed$0.00T R  10:00 AM-11:53 AM LA360
 201142112Intro PsychologyMC4Pilgrim C0/24/3Closed$0.00T R  01:00 PM-02:53 PM LA230
 201142121Intro PsychologyMC4White-Underwood R3/31/0Open$0.00T R  04:00 PM-05:53 PM LA370
 201142128Intro PsychologyMC4Morgan T0/28/1Closed$0.00M W  02:00 PM-03:53 PM LA260
 201142375Intro PsychologyONL4Pilgrim C6/31/0Open$0.00 
 201142430Intro PsychologyONL4Fenwick R0/31/3Closed$0.00 
 201142433Intro PsychologyONL4Jackson L0/31/1Closed$0.00 
 201142484Intro PsychologyONL4LaJoy M2/31/0Open$0.00 
 201142946Intro PsychologyONL4Jackson L3/31/0Open$0.00 
 201143385Intro PsychologySYNC4Fenwick R5/31/0Open$0.00T R  06:00 PM-07:53 PM WEBWEB

Key: Day of the Week

  • T = Tuesday
  • R = Thursday
  • S = Saturday
  • X = Sunday