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From Man Earns First Bachelor's Degree from Schoolcraft

June 12, 2017

Man earns first bachelor's degree from Schoolcraft
David Veselenak, 8:38 a.m. ET June 7, 2017 

It didn't take long for Ken Damphousse to sign up to enroll for his bachelor's degree once his alma mater began offering them.

Damphousse First BS GradThe South Lyon resident re-enrolled at Schoolcraft College in 2015, just a month after hearing the Livonia school would offer bachelor's degrees in culinary arts. 

"They sent me a letter in July of 2015 and I was signed up in August," he said. "I was on a fast track."

Less than two years later, Damphousse made history: he's the first person to graduate from Schoolcraft College with a bachelor's degree.

Damphousse had always wanted to go back and get his bachelor's degree — he earned his associate's degree from Schoolcraft College back in 2008 — but seeing the high cost of tuition made him wait.