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Nursing student receives prestigious Newman Civic Fellowship honor

March 12, 2018

Schoolcraft College student Allyson Wonfor honored as 2018 Newman Civic Fellow

A profile picture of Allyson Wonfor, a student in the Nursing program at Schoolcraft CollegeAllyson Wonfor, a student in the Nursing program at Schoolcraft College, has been named a 2018 Newman Civic Fellow by Campus Compact, a Boston-based non-profit organization working to advance the public purposes of higher education. Wonfor is one of 268 students nationally who have been selected for this honor.

The Newman Civic Fellowship is intended to honor community-committed students. Wonfor, who was nominated for the honor by Schoolcraft College’s president Conway A. Jeffress, established a non-profit organization, Heart-Hugs, to support premature and ill infants by crocheting small hats for them.

“Allyson’s compassion and intellectual curiosity have led her along an amazing path of civic engagement that is changing the lives of those she serves,” Jeffress said. “Her nursing studies piqued her interest in neonatal abstinence syndrome, which led her to co-founding Heart-Hugs. She is a very deserving winner of the Newman Civic Fellowship honor.”

The Newman Civic Fellowship is a one-year experience for community-committed students from Campus Compact member institutions that support students’ personal, professional and civic development. Through the fellowship, Campus Compact provides a variety of learning and networking opportunities and also provides fellows with access to apply for exclusive scholarship and post-graduate opportunities.