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Open Auditions for Spring Play to be Held Tuesday Feb. 5

February 01, 2019

Theatre Department announces open auditions for spring production of T-Bone N Weasel

Open Theatre Auditions for T Bone N WeaselAuditions for roles in Schoolcraft College’s production of Jon Klein’s play T-Bone N Weasel will be held Tuesday Feb. 5, from 5 to 9 p.m. in the James R Hartman Theatre in the Liberal Arts Building (LA500).

Directed by Joseph Zettlemaier, this comedy tells the rambling tale of William "Weasel" Weasler and T-Bone, two ex-cons with dreams that may be larger than their intellects.They travel the backroads of South Carolina just trying to make their way and encounter a series of wild characters and wilder adventures, all to the rockin' tunes of Credence Clearwater Revival.

The open auditions are for the parts of T-Bone and Weasel, along with roles for a variety of characters they meet along their journey. The production dates for T-Bone N Weasel will be on Fridays and Saturdays, March 22 through April 6. 

For more information on the auditions and the roles available, contact the play’s director, Joseph Zettelmaier at 734-462-4435 or

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