By just about any measure, FOX 2 News anchor Huel Perkins has enjoyed a long and successful career, leading three daily newscasts and earning two Emmy Awards in his 30 years at the station.
“I’m relatively successful now, but I haven’t always been,” said Perkins, who offered insights and advice during a dynamic, interactive and informative discussion with Schoolcraft College Students on Tuesday afternoon.
Perkins’ visit was presented by Dr. JuJuan Taylor, PhD, professor and Department Chair Communication Arts.
After earning his degree, Perkins started in broadcasting by volunteering at a radio station in Baton Rouge, La. He said the combination of academic courses and practical work experience is especially important to get an edge in today’s highly competitive job climate.
“You have to have more than just a degree to get most jobs,” he said. “I encourage all of you, no matter what your field may be, to get an internship or to even volunteer in the profession in which you want to be employed.”
Perkins said another benefit of work experience, even unpaid, is the chance to establish contacts and relationships that could be valuable down the line.
“Call the places where you want to work and find out if there are internships or even shadowing programs,” he said. “Do what you can while you can. Start now, so when you get your degree you’re a familiar face in a sea of applicants. Don’t wait.”