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Kehrl Winners for Communication Arts Announced

May 11, 2020

Winners of the Kehrl Academic Excellence Awards have been announced across different departments at Schoolcraft College. These awards are made possible by the generosity of an estate gift to the Schoolcraft College Foundation from Floyd and Marian Kehrl, who began supporting the college in 1964 – a year before the official dedication. Floyd Kehrl even provided the bells for the bell tower.

Schoolcraft College decided to establish these awards to honor their legacy. The family continues to support the Foundation. 

This year’s winners in Communication Arts, each receiving $925, are: 

  • Aliyah Holt
  • Margaret McBride 
  • Sophia Nikonowicz

Holt’s goal is to become a nurse practitioner. She is especially grateful that the award can help her continue her studies.

McBride is working on general education courses with a goal of majoring in psychology and transferring to Wayne State. Her long-term goals are to complete a master’s degree in pediatric occupational therapy, then work in private practice, a children's center or have her own practice.

Nikonowicz’s plan is to become a registered nurse at Schoolcraft, then earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing at Eastern Michigan. She wants to become a pediatric nurse and work at Children’s Hospital in Detroit.

You can view more about the Foundation here.