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Kehrl Winners for Art Announced

May 20, 2020

Winners of the Kehrl Academic Excellence Awards have been announced across different departments at Schoolcraft College. These awards are made possible by the generosity of an estate gift to the Schoolcraft College Foundation from Floyd and Marian Kehrl, who began supporting the college in 1964 – a year before the official dedication. Floyd Kehrl even provided the bells for the bell tower.

Schoolcraft College decided to establish these awards to honor their legacy. The family continues to support the Foundation. 

This year’s winners in Art, each receiving $925, are: 

  • Jessica Bradd
  • Samantha Watson
  • Hitomi Yaoita

Bradd is a Computer Graphics tech (CGT) student working on earning two Associate Degrees – one in Graphic Design and one in the 3D and Video track. She believes this will help achieve her dream of creating comic books and character design for games.

Watson is a Fine Arts major working toward an Associate Degree. Her goals are to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts and work in either an art gallery or marketplace where she can sell her creations as well as interact with other artists.

Yaoita’s major is Computer Graphic Technology and her academic goals include learning foundation skills of CGT and learning English as her second language. In terms of her career, she’d like to be a graphic designer like her mother and use her originality on the job.

You can view more about the Foundation here