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Staff Spotlight: Dr. Marty Heator, Dean of Students

July 20, 2020

Professional headshot of Dr. Marty HeatorToday for “Staff Spotlight” we’re sitting down with Dr. Marty Heator, Dean of Students, to learn a little bit about what it means to be dean of students at a community college, especially during these times.

Schoolcraft College: Hello, Dr. Heator. You know, in high school, the dean of students was someone to be avoided. But dean of students at a community college is a totally different role, isn’t it?

Dr. Heator: Yes indeed. My focus is student success. I’m part of a team that provides resources and support to students. This includes athletics, disability support services, learning support services, the library, mental health services and student relations. That last one – student relations – encompasses a lot. We help students when life circumstances interfere with their education and we respond when students file complaints about their experience here. We also handle student discipline, and I would love it if 100% of students avoided violating our Student Code of Conduct.

SC: Tell us a little about your education, your career at Schoolcraft College and how you came to be Dean of Students.

Dr. Heator: I have three degrees from Eastern Michigan University – a bachelor’s in written communications and master’s and doctorate, both in educational leadership. I’ve worked in community colleges throughout my career. I started working in marketing and public relations, got involved in student services projects and focused my graduate studies on higher-education student affairs. I was a director and an associate dean at Schoolcraft before being named Dean of Students in 2016.

SC: Being Dean of Students is a challenging position even in the best of times. How have things changed for you during the coronavirus pandemic?

Dr. Heator: In normal times I do a lot of one-on-one work with students and colleagues through phone and email, but the face-to-face interactions are especially impactful, for me anyway! I am really missing that interpersonal aspect of the job. When I am helping a student, especially one who might be struggling in some way, I want to be able to see them so that I can understand how they are doing. That said, we are now committed to offering services remotely, even in a post-pandemic world where we are back on campus. Offering remote services has enhanced student access to this support, so this is something we need to keep in the mix going forward.

SC: What advice or suggestions do you have for students to make the best of their experience at Schoolcraft College?

Dr. Heator: When successful students tell me their Schoolcraft story, they inevitably talk about a person – someone at the college who made a difference for them on their educational journey. This doesn’t just happen. These students took it upon themselves to establish connections with others who could help them on this path. My suggestion is for each student to seek out these connections and find that person who will make a difference.

Thank you, Dr. Heator!