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Professor Joins Council to Promote Constitutional Literacy

November 23, 2020

Michael SwopeAll Americans are familiar with the Constitution of the United States, but most don’t have a lot of in-depth knowledge of this important document. Michael Swope, Adjunct Professor of History, will be working to change that.

Swope was recently named to the Teacher Advisory Council of the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, a group that helps promote constitutional literacy.

“I want to be on the Council to be a part of extending education about our Constitution and how the philosophies which led to it developed,” said Swope, who has taught at Schoolcraft College since 1998. He’s taught all classes offered by the Department of History. His courses for Fall 2020 are:

  • HIST 151 - Colonial America (two sections)
  • HIST 152 - Nineteenth Century America
  • HIST 153 - Contemporary America (U.S. History since 1900)

Swope attended a seminar in 2010 that included a visit to the National Constitution Center and has been in contact with the group since then. He’s eager to contribute.

U.S. Constitution“This work with the National Constitution Center will allow me to share my recent research into the work of the English Civil War-era Levellers faction, whose writings provide the basis for Enlightenment philosophy and subsequently the founding principles of this country,” Swope said.

You can read the Constitution of the United States online.