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Pageturners writing, art contests now open

January 11, 2021

PageturnersPageturners, the book club of Schoolcraft College, is offering a $250 writing prize and a $250 art prize for students enrolled in the Fall 2020 and/or Winter 2021 semester. To be eligible:

  • The applicant must select at least one Pageturners book read during the Fall and/or Winter semester of the current academic year.
  • The applicant must submit a creative essay or an artwork inspired by a Pageturners book.
  • The applicant is allowed to submit one entry and in one category only.
  • The applicant must complete and submit an application by April 5, 2021.

For more information or to obtain an application, please contact Denise Schell at or call 734-462-7189.

Learn more about Pageturners fall events.