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PTK Chapter Again Achieves 5 Star Status

May 18, 2021

They’ve done it again!

Schoolcraft College’s Omicron Iota Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society achieved 5 Star Chapter Status, building on a legacy for this particular honor that spans more than 25 years.

Phi Theta Kappa’s mission is two-fold: Recognize and encourage the academic achievement of two-year college students as well as provide opportunities for individual growth and development through participation in honors, leadership, service and fellowship programming.

5 Star Chapter Status, which is the highest possible, is based on write-ups of the “College” and “Honors in Action” Hallmarks.

The officer team includes:

  • Corin Tyler, Chapter President
  • Meeta Singh, Vice President of Service
  • Nyia George, Vice President of Leadership
  • Summer McEvers, Past Vice President of Communication
  • Blake Nowicki, Current Vice President of Communication
  • Sara Doty, Secretary
  • Catreese Qualls, Student Activities Office Liaison to PTK

“I am very proud of what our officer team has been able to overcome through the pandemic,” said Todd Stowell, Director, Student Activities Office. “They have stayed focused on their goals and followed through on everything that they said they would do in the spring when they came in. We are fortunate to have these dedicated leaders.”

Here’s an in-depth look at the projects:

College Project Hallmark

The purpose of the College Project is to establish a supportive relationship between the chapter and the college administration. The chapter should meet with the college president (and/or appropriate administrator) to determine the College Project, which can be anything that supports the college’s mission.

Schoolcraft College’s PTK project surrounded a study of other colleges’ approach as it pertains to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and more specifically positions on those campuses that specifically help create a diverse campus. This information was then provided with recommendations to President Dr. Glenn Cerny, the DEI Task Force and Brenda Leavens, Chief Human Resource and Risk Management Officer.

Honors in Action Hallmark

Phi Theta Kappa has an Honors Program, Honors in Action, designed to engage students in informed action that fosters student success and helps fulfill the mission to provide college students opportunities to grow as scholars and leaders. This year’s Honors in Action project was set up by students to investigate the food supply chain during the pandemic.

SC’s student leaders narrowed down the research to a focus of comparing the meat- and plant-based products and the impact of the supply chains on their industries as a whole. The eventual “Action” from this project was the procurement and publishing of the Foodie Challenge Cookbook. You can read the story from The Schoolcraft Connection.

Individual accolades as well

Two Schoolcraft College students traveled to Orlando, Florida, this spring as semifinalists for Phi Theta Kappa International office. Catreese Qualls ran for the 2021-22 International Vice President of Division 3, and Steffanie Shrum-Hills ran for International President.

Qualls was elected as the new Vice President of Division 3 and will work with the Phi Theta Kappa organization to educate more students of the benefits to joining on a larger scale. Shrum-Hills received the Orlowski International Award, which is given every year to individuals who reflect the Pillars of PTK.

You can read the story from The Schoolcraft Connection about 5 Star status.

For more information about Schoolcraft College’s PTK chapter, please visit their website.