Health Professions Simulation Lab

Health care students may utilize the labs during their education at Schoolcraft college. We welcome community partners to schedule a tour of our facility to explore the use of human patient simulation to meet specific learning needs. Please call Nancy Delnay, MSN, RN, HPSL Resource Instructor at 734-462-7118 for more information. 

The Health Professions Simulation Lab (HPSL) provides healthcare professionals with firsthand simulation training experiences that bridge the gap between traditional classroom learning and performing actual procedures on patients utilizing scenario based formats or sessions with skills trainer models. Participants are provided with  interactive educational opportunities that allow participants to make timely health care  decisions while also preparing them for unexpected events.

The HPSL has 4 patient simulator rooms set up to resemble patient hospital rooms with fully functional equipment including patient vital signs monitors, crash carts, patient beds, and work space. The ten high-fidelity patient simulators can supply a variety of clinical situations tailored to advance skill training and enhance critical thinking. These simulators include: 4 adult medical-surgical simulators, 2 obstetric simulators, 2 full-term newborns, a preemie newborn, and a pediatric five-year-old simulator. The patient simulators can produce spontaneous breathing, heart and lung sounds, coughing, moaning, body fluids, and other voice sounds.

Scenario sets endorsed by the National League for Nursing (NLN) and American Heart Association (AHA) offer simulated acute emergency situations, medical-surgical conditions, and trauma cases. Multiple obstetrical and pediatric scenarios are available and simulations can also be tailored to meet specific learning outcomes.

The state of the art control room with one-way glass observation windows allow simulation actions to be recorded which can be replayed for debriefing sessions. The debriefing process allows learners and instructors the opportunity to review and evaluate each learning experience. This ensures that participant outcomes and competencies are achieved.

The Health Professions Simulation Lab also has advanced training equipment, including: neonatal, infant, pediatric, and adult intubation trainers; adult difficult airway trainer; arterial line insertion trainer; central line access trainer; 2 Life Pak defibrillators; fully stocked crash carts; and simulated medications.

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