Webliography Resources

Aeon Magazine
American Philosophical Association
Arts & Letters Daily
BBC, Philosophy Programs
Bioethics Resources for Teachers and Students (from NIH)
Classical Wisdom Weekly
Counterbalance, New Views on Complex Issues
Crash Course: Philosophy Video series (YouTube)
Critical Thinking Resources LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Critical Thinking webliography
Early Modern Philosophy Texts
Edge Foundation, Conversations by Topic
Ethics in Medicine, Topics (from the Univ. of Washington)
Ethics Unwrapped (Univ. of Texas)
General Philosophy podcasts (from Oxford)
Harvard Classics eBooks Collection (Internet Archive, Texts Archive)
History of Philosophy without any Gaps (Kings College London)
Humanities LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Institute for Philosophy in Public Life
Institute of Art & Ideas: Series of Philosophy videos
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
JSTOR Open Content (13,000+ eBooks)
Living Books About Life (Open Humanities Press)
Nuffield Council on Bioethics
Philosopher's Zone (podcasts)
Philosophy Bites (Collection of Podcasts)
Philosophy Commons, Digital Commons Network (Free Open Access Articles)
Philosophy for Beginners, Free Podcasts from Oxford University
Philosophy Now (a magazine of ideas)
Philosophy pages.com
Philosophy Resources LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Philosophy Talk (Discussion of philosophical issues from Stanford)
Project Vox (from Duke University)
Some Texts for Early Modern Philosophy
Sports Edition Ethics Unwrapped (Univ. of Texas)
Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, Resource Library
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Critical Thinking
Teach Philosophy 101