Webliography Resources

AAAS Science Partner Open Access Journals
Advanced Science News
Allen Cell Explorer, 3D Cellular Models
Amazing Cells, Learn Genetics (Univ. of Utah)
American Biology Teacher, Resources
American Museum of Natural History
American Society for Cell Biology, YouTube Channel
Anatomy & Physiology Resources (Khan Academy)
Anatomy Atlases (Digital Library of Anatomy Information)
Anatomy Drawings (Merck Manual)
Animal Diversity Web
Biodiversity Heritage Library
BioEd Online
Bioethics Research Library (Georgetown University)
Biological Evolution, Evolutionary Theory (BioEdOnline.Org)
Biology Animation Library
Biology Animations & Tutorials Resources page
Biology Discoveries, (from the National Science Foundation)
Biology Interactive Simulations, PhET
Biology LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Biology Library (LibreTexts)
Biology Open Access Textbooks (LibreTexts)
Biology Resources (from the National Science Foundation)
Biology Resources for Learning (American Museum of Natural History)
Biology Textbooks (Open Textbook Library)
Biology Video & Animation sites (from the Univ. of Illinois)
Biology, Life Sciences & Genetics Resources (Library of Congress)
BioMed Central, Biomedicine Journals
Biomedical Beat Blog (National Institute of General Medical Sciences)
BioRxiv, preprint server
BioScience Talks
Bookshelf, Free Access to 700 Texts (NCBI)
Cancer Genome Atlas
CanvasMol, Molecules in 3D
Charles Darwin After the Origin, Digital Exhibit (from Cornell Univ.)
Charles Darwin Digital Library of Evolution (from the American Museum of Natural History)
Charles Darwin, the Complete Works of..
Charles Darwin's Virtual Library (from the Biodiversity Heritage Library)
Clarafi Online Community, Molecular Movies, Animations, Tutorials & Lectures
Clinical Anatomy
Concepts of Biology (OpenStax Textbook)
Deciphering the Genetic Code (from the NIH)
Digital Atlas of Ancient Life
Digital Atlas of Ancient Life, Virtual Collection
Digital Atlas of Marine Species
Digital Commons Network, Life Sciences
Digital Encyclopedia of Ancient Life
DNA from the Beginning
DNA Learning Center
DNA Learning Center, Biology Animations
DNA Tutorial (Khan Academy)
DNA, 3D Animation Library
Elife Sciences
Encyclopedia of Life Portal Project
Eskeletons, Comparative Anatomy
Ethical, Legal & Social Implications of the Human Genome Project (from the National Human Genome Research Institute)
Ethics in Medicine (from the University of Washington)
Everyday Science Mysteries (from the Library of Congress)
Evolution (PBS, Nova)
Exploratorium, Origins
Exploring Genes & Genetic Disorders
Future of Everything podcasts (Stanford)
General Principles of Medical Genetics (from Merck)
Genetic Information Search Engines (from Genome.Gov)
Genetics in Context, a Timeline (1750- )
Genetics Legislation Database (from Genome.Gov)
Genome TV, YouTube (Genome.Gov)
Genome.Gov, Image Gallery
Genome: Unlocking Life's Code (Timeline of the Human Genome)
Genomics Careers (from Genome.Gov)
Genomics Education websites (from Genome.Gov)
Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN)
Glossary of Genetics Terms (National Human Genome Research Institute)
Gray's Anatomy
Harvard Stem Cell Institute
Harvard's StemBook
HHMI BioInteractive
HHMI BioInteractive, Classroom Resources
Human Anatomy & Physiology Resources (Khan Academy)
Human Anatomy & Physiology Resources LibGuide
Human Anatomy Online
Human Genome Project, Genomics Education Resources
Human Genome Resources (NCBI)
ImageBank (BioScience Image Collection)
Inside Science
Intech Open Access Science eBooks Collection (7,100+ titles)
Integrated Taxonomic Information System
Interactive Tutorials on Human Anatomy & Physiology
Internet Archive Scholar
Issues in Genetics and Health (from Genome.Gov)
Khan Academy, Biology Resources
Learn About Michigan's Species (Michigan DNR)
Learn Genetics Tutorials
Linus Pauling and the Race for DNA (from Oregon State)
Mammal Species of the World
Map of Life (Yale)
MathBench Biology Modules (Univ. of Maryland)
MedlinePlus, Genetics Resources
MedRxiv preprint server
Mendelian Inheritance in Man (from NCBI)
MERLOT Biology portal
Microbial Life, Educational Resources
Microbiology Society, Resources
MIT OpenCourseWare, Biology
Molecular Expressions
Musculoskeletal Illustrations (U of M Medical School)
NanoHub, Resources
Nanotechnology at NIH
Nanowerk, Nanoscience/Nanotechnology Portal
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering & Medicine, Biology and Life Sciences
National Cancer Institute
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), All Resources A to Z
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), BookShelf (free full text)
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), Databases Search
National Human Genome Research Institute, Fact Sheets
National Human Genome Research Institute, Oral History Collection
National Human Genome Research Institute, Policy & Legislation Database by U.S. State
National Science Foundation, Biology Discoveries
National Science Foundation, Focus Areas
Native Plant Database (Univ. of Texas)
Nature Communications, Browse by Subject
Nature, Weekly Journal of Science, Online Video Streaming Archive
NIH, Science Education links
NOVA Education (PBS)
NPR, Science
Nuffield Council on Bioethics
OER Commons, Biology Resources
OER Commons, Life Sciences
Open Textbook Library, Biology Textbooks
Open Textbook Library, Genetics Textbooks
OpenStax, Microbiology Textbook
OpenStax, OER Science Textbooks
Phys.Org, Biology News
Plant Anatomy Digital Archive Collection
Plant Anatomy Reference Collection
Plant Cell Biology Imagery
Plants National Database
Plants of the World Online
PLoS Biology (a Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal)
PLoS Genetics (a Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal)
PLoS, Public Library of Science
Protein Data Bank
Public Health Genomics (CDC)
PubMed Central (National Library of Medicine)
Science webliography
Scientific American
Scitable Nature eBooks (from the Journal Nature)
Scitable, Free Science Learning Library (from the Journal Nature)
Semantic Scholar (Open Access Academic Search engine)
Smithsonian Contributions Series
Smithsonian Scholarly Press
Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics. Internet Resources
State of the World's Plants, 2023
Stem Cell Information page (NIH)
Talking Glossary of Genetics Terms (from Genome.Gov)
Taxonomy Browser (NCBI)
Teach Genetics (from Univ. of Utah)
TED Talks, Genetics
TED Talks, Life's Origins
Tree of Life, Web Project
Understanding Evolution, Resource page (from UC Berkeley)
University of Maryland, NanoCenter
Virtual Microbiology (Univ. of Wisconsin)
Visionlearning Biology Library (National Science Foundation)
WorldCat, Open Content
Your Guide to Genetics and Genomics (Stanford)