Webliography Resources

2020 U.S. Census Data (U.S. Census Bureau)
2020 World's Women Trends and Statistics (from the United Nations)
2022 My Community Explorer (U.S. Census)
2023 Statistics Resources and Big Data on the Internet (Zillman)
2024 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report: Unified Data Models
2024 World Population Dashboard (United Nations)
2600+ Open Data Portals from Around the World
Aging Stats, U.S. Government Statistics
AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, MEPS Topics
America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well Being, 2023
Annual Energy Outlook, 2023 (U.S. eia)
Atlas of Rural & Small Town America
Bank Data and Statistics (from the FDIC)
Bureau of Economic Analysis, Data
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Bureau of Labor Statistics, TED: The Economics Daily, Browse by Topic
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Bureau of Transportation Statistics, TranStats database
Business & Economics Statistics (U.S. Census Bureau)
Census & Statistical Data for Michigan (U.S. Census Bureau)
Census Bureau, Economic Statistics
Census Bureau, Explore Data
Census Bureau, Statistics by Category
Census Business Builder: Small Business Edition (U.S. Census Bureau)
Census Quarterly Workforce Indicators Explorer
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Health Statistics by Race & Ethnicity
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Health, United States, (2020- 2021 report)
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Wonder Online Databases
Centers for Disease Control CDC), National Health Statistics
Child Trends, Publications by Topic
Condition of Education, 2024 (from NCES)
Condition of Education, Complete Reports (1989- 2024, from NCES)
Condition of Education, Indicator List
Congressional District Health Dashboard
Consumer Expenditure Survey
Consumer Price Indexes
Core Health Indicators statistical database (World Health Organization)
County Business Patterns
County Health Rankings, Michigan (2024)
CRS Reports Search (Congressional Research Service/Library of Congress)
Data & Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education
Data Driven Detroit
Data Portals.Org (a Comprehensive List of Open Government Data Catalogs)
Data Resource Center for Child & Adolescent Health
DATA USA, Search Reports
Data Visualization Gallery, U.S. Census
Data.Gov, Data Catalog, Datasets
Deloitte Consumer Industry Resources, 2024
Deloitte Consumer Signals, 2024
Detroit Open Data Analytics Portal
Digest of Education Statistics (NCES)
Economic Indicators (U.S. Census)
Economic Profiles, Michigan Economic Development Corporation
Educational Attainment Statistics, 2022 (U.S. Census Bureau)
Employment (U.S. Census Bureau)
Energy Basics 101 (Statistics from the U.S. Dept. of Energy)
European Data Portal
Eurostat, European Statistics
Explore Census Data
FBI: Uniform Crime Reporting
Foreign Assistance.Gov (Global Development Data, U.S. Dept of State)
Gender Data Portal (World Bank)
Global Open Data Index
Glossary of Statistical Terms
Google Dataset Search
Google, Public Data Explorer
Health Insurance Data (U.S. Census Bureau)
Health Statistics webliography
Health Statistics, LibGuide (Univ of Michigan, Research Guides)
Health, United States, Data by Topic
Healthy Americans.Org, Data by State & Topic
Human Development Reports by Country (from the UN)
HyperStat Online, Introductory Statistics Help
Institute for Health Metrics & Evaluation
Inter- University Consortium for Political & Social Research, Thematic Collections
International Monetary Fund, Browse by Country
Internet Crossroads Social Sciences Statistical Data Gateway (from the Univ. of Wisconsin)
IPEDS Data Tools
IPEDS Database (from NCES)
Justice Outcomes Explorer, Statistics Tool (U.S. Census)
Kaggle, Datasets
Longitudinal Employer- Household Dynamics (U.S. Census Bureau)
Manufacturing Infographics, 2024 (NIST, MEP)
Medicare Provider Charge Data
Michigan Data profile (U.S. Census)
Michigan Department of Community Health, Michigan Health Statistics and Reports
Michigan GIS Open Data
Michigan Labor Market Information
Michigan Quick Facts (from the U.S. Census Bureau)
Michigan Vital Statistics
Michigan's Open Data Portal
Migration Data Hub (Immigration Statistics Resource, Migration Policy Institute)
Monthly & Annual Retail Trade Reports
My Congressional District (U.S. Census Bureau)
Nation Master
National Center for Education Statistics
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), College & Careers Tables Library
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Historical Reports (1867- 1991)
National Center for Health Statistics (CDC)
National Center for Health Statistics (CDC) Data Query System, Health Topics
National Center for Health Statistics (CDC) FastStats
National Library of Medicine, Dataset Catalog
National Science Foundation, NCSES Topics
National Science Foundation, Science & Engineering Statistics Explore Data
National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, Student Insights Dashboard
National Survey of Children's Health
Occupational Safety & Health Administration, Data
Online Statistics Education: A Multimedia Course of Study
Open Data Handbook
Open Data Resource Library
Opportunity Atlas, Demographics map (from Harvard and the U.S. Census)
Our World in Data (from Oxford University)
Penn Lookup Data by Country (from 1950- 2007)
Pew Research Center, International Affairs
Projections of Education Statistics to 2030 (NCES)
Quick Facts by Topic (from the U.S. Census Bureau)
Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3data.Org)
Research Methods Knowledgebase
Science & Engineering 2024 Indicators (National Science Foundation)
SEMCOG, Community Data for Livonia, Michigan
SEMCOG, Community Data for Wayne County, Michigan
SEMCOG, Data & Maps
SEMCOG, Data by Community
SEMCOG, Economic Indicators
SEMCOG, Open Data Portal
SISA (Simple Interactive Statistical Analysis)
State & County Quick Facts by Topic (U.S. Census Bureau)
State Health Facts (Kaiser Foundation)
State of Michigan Data
State of Our Cities (from the George W. Bush Institute)
State of the Detroit Child, Data Tool
State of the News Media, News Indicators (Pew Research)
State Transportation Statistics (from BTS.Gov)
Statistical Abstract Historical Statistics (U.S. Census Bureau)
Statistical Science Web, Data Sets webpage
Statistical Sites on the World Wide Web
StatisticalAtlas, Statistical Overview of Michigan
StatisticalAtlas, Statistical Overview of the United States
Statistics Canada
Statistics Library (LibreTexts)
Statistics Resources LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
StatsAmerica, Michigan profile
STEM Education Data
Tax Statistics Resources page (from the IRS)
Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC, Syracuse Univ.)
Transportation Energy Data Book
U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. Census Bureau, Browse by Topic
U.S. Census Bureau, Business and Economy
U.S. Census Bureau, Data Access Tools
U.S. Census Bureau, Data Explorer
U.S. Census Bureau, Data Tools and Apps
U.S. Census Bureau, Data Visualization Gallery
U.S. Census Bureau, Economic & Industry Statistics
U.S. Census Bureau, Education
U.S. Census Bureau, Library
U.S. Census Bureau, Quick Facts by Topic
U.S. Census Bureau, Statistics by Topic
U.S. Dept of Education, Data & Statistics
UN Global Human Development Indicators
UN Stats, Social Indicators by Country
UN/Data: a World of Information
UNESCO Institute for Statistics
University of Texas Libraries, Statistics and Demographics page
USA Facts
USA Facts, Education
USA.Gov, Data & Statistics Resources page
USDA, Economic Research Service, Data Products by Topic
Vassar Stats, Web Site for Statistical Comparison
WolframAlpha, Browse by Topic
WolframAlpha, Computational Knowledge Engine
World Bank, Browse by Development Topics (World Bank)
World Bank, Data by Indicator
World Bank, Open Data
World Health Organization, Core Health Indicators by Country
World Health Organization, Statistical Information
World Population Data, 2023
Zip Code, Data Demographics Tool (from ESRI)