Webliography Resources

War on Terrorism 9-11
9/11 Archive (from the Library of Congress)
9/11 Encyclopedia (New York Magazine)
9/11 Memorial & Museum
9-11 Commission Report
ABYZ Newslinks
ACLU, National Security Issues
ACLU, The Use of Torture page
Afghanistan (December, 2023 CRS Report)
Air University Library, Resources (LibGuides)
America's Day of Terror (BBC News, Archive)
Antiquities Coalition
Avalon Project September 11th Resources
Avalon Project, Documents on Terrorism
Best Resources for Learning About Osama bin Laden
Boston Marathon Explosions, News Coverage, Archive (NPR)
CDC, NIOSH, Emergency Response Safety & Health Database
Closing Guantanamo (from the Council on Foreign Relations)
CNN, Osama bin Laden Dead (Archive)
Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, Web Resources
Council on Foreign Relations, Afghanistan
Council on Foreign Relations, Interactives The Sunni-Shia Divide
Council on Foreign Relations, Interactives The Taliban
Council on Foreign Relations, Terrorism & Counterterrorism
Council on Foreign Relations, Yemen
Country Reports on Terrorism (U.S. State Dept.)
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Homeland Security, Topics
Department of Homeland Security, Websites
FBI, Terrorism
Find Resources for Veterans & Families (2024 National Memorial Day Concert, PBS)
Frontline (PBS) ISIS in Afghanistan
Frontline (PBS) Terrorism related programs
Frontline (PBS) Top Secret America
Frontline (PBS) War and Conflict related programs
Global Terrorism Database (from the University of Maryland)
Guantanamo Detainees, New York Times Project
Homeland Security Digital Library
Islamic State in Iraq & Greater Syria (ISIS: a Council on Foreign Relations Backgrounder)
Michigan Prepares (disaster preparedness)
MSU Criminal Justice Resources LibGuide
National Archives, Terrorism links page
National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism & Responses to Terrorism, Topics A to Z
National Counterterrorism Center
NewsHour (PBS), Terrorism Reports Archive
Piracy Resources, U.S. Maritime Administration
Pulitzer Center, Governance
RAND, Counterterrorism
RAND, Terrorism
RAND, Terrorist Organizations
Study of the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation Program – Unclassified
The September 11 Digital Archive
U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Counterterrorism
U.S. Department of State, Country Reports on Terrorism
U.S. Forces Kill bin Laden in Pakistan (BBC News)
U.S. Institute of Peace, Issue Areas
Understanding 9/11: A Television News Archive (the Internet Archive)
United Nations, Office on Drugs and Crime
Veterans Resources (from ALA/ACRL)
Witness to Guantanamo Digital Exhibit (Duke Univ.)
World Trade Center Disaster Study (NIST.Gov)
YouTube, Department of Homeland Security