Webliography Resources

Higher Education Student Retention
AAC&U, High Impact Practices and Student Success
AACC 21st Century Center
AACC 21st Century Center, Access Resources by Topic
AACC 21st Century Center, Resources
AACC, Reports and Publications
Achieving The Dream, Latest
Adult College Completion in the 21st Century: What We Know and What and What We Don't
CCSSE Community College Survey of Student Engagement, Retention related links
CCSSE, National Reports and Publications
CCSSE, Pathways Tools & Resources, Pathways Toolkit
Center for the Study of College Student Retention home page
Center for the Study of College Student Retention, Retention Issues
Center for the Study of College Student, Retention Reference List
College & Career Readiness (American Institutes for Research)
Community College Research Center, "Student Persistence"
Community College Research Center, “Retention”
Completing College National Reports (2012- 2024)
Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange (CSRDE) at the University of Oklahoma
Deloitte, Higher Education
Education Commission of the States (ECS) Research Resources page
Educational Attainment Statistics, 2022 (U.S. Census)
EDUCAUSE Library, Student Retention
EDUCAUSE Library, Student Success
Empowering Community College's to Build the Nation's Future: An Implementation Guide
Evolllution, Accessibility
Evolllution, Enrollment Strategies
Evolllution, Retention
Evolllution, Today's Learner
Guided Pathways Reforms Strategies (CCRC)
Hanover Research, Student Success
How to Define Retention a New Look at an Old Problem
Inside Higher Ed, “Retention” articles
Institute for College Access and Success, Publications
Institutional Retention and Graduation Rates for Undergraduate Students (from NCES)
Jobs for the Future, 2024 Resources
Learning Support Centers in Higher Education, Resources
Michigan Center for Student Success, Reports & Publications (Michigan Community College Association)
NACADA Clearinghouse, Retention and Persistence Resources
NACADA Clearinghouse, Retention Related Articles
NACADA Clearinghouse, Two year/Community College Resources
National Resource Center, for the First Year Experience and Students in Transition
National Student Clearinghouse Research Center
National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, Completing College Reports, 2023
National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, COVID-19
National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, Current Term Enrollment Estimates
National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, Publications
National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, Student Insights Dashboard
Persistence and Retention Report Series, 2024 Report (National Student Clearinghouse)
Persistence Research, Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
Student Achievement and Retention, Best Practices (David Arendale)
Student Achievement and Retention, Publications (David Arendale)
Undergraduate Retention and Graduation Rates (NCES)
Vincent Tinto, From Retention to Persistence (Inside Higher Ed)
What Matters to Student Success (George Kuh)
What Works Clearinghouse, Reviews of Individual Studies (IES)
Why Expanded Student Supports Can Improve Community College Outcomes and Boost Skill Attainment