Webliography Resources

Higher Education Free eBooks
1,700+ eBook Titles to Read for Free Online (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
100+ Activities for Motivating and Retaining Learners Online, Free eBook
200+ Free Art Books, from the Guggenheim Art Museum
200+ Free Math Textbooks (from Open Culture)
A New Kind of Science, Wolfram (eBook)
American Institute of Mathematics, Open Math Textbooks by Subject
College Student Success eBook, from the Saylor Foundation
Deep Learning, a Free Computer Science eBook (from MIT Press)
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) (80,000+ titles)
Education (Free eBooks, Open Textbook Library)
Education for Life and Work Developing Transferable Knowledge Skills for the 21st Century, from the National Academies Press
Education Research & Theory Collection of eBook Titles, Free to Read Online, 40+ from the National Academies Press
Find OER by Subject, LibGuide (Iowa State)
Free eBook Collections by Subject, from Cambridge University
Harvard Classics eBook Collection (Internet Archive)
Higher Education, Collection of eBook Titles, 200+ from the National Academies Press, Free to Read Online
How People Learn, Bridging Research & Practice (National Academies Press)
How People Learn, from the National Academies Press
Intech Open Access Science eBooks Collection (7,100+ titles)
Internet Archive’s Text Archive, more than 40 Million eBooks
JSTOR Open Content Collection (12,000+ eBooks)
Learning Spaces by Diana Oblinger (EDUCAUSE eBook)
Learning Spaces Today, Free eBook (from JISC InfoKit)
LibreTexts, Browse by Bookshelve
Luminosoa.Org, Open Access Collection (Univ. of California)
Michigan Local Town Histories eBook Collection (from Read Michigan)
Milne Open Textbooks Catalog (SUNY)
MIT Press, Open Access Books
National Academies Press, Browse by Topic (Free to Read Online)
National Academies Press, eBook Titles Free to Read Online, Browse by Title
Open Access and the Humanities, Free eBook (from Cambridge)
Open Access eBooks from JSTOR (12,000+ eBooks)
Open Access Journals & Repositories LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Open Access on Project MUSE
Open Textbook Library, Browse by Subject
Open Textbooks Hub (OER Commons)
OpenSTAX, College Textbooks Free eBooks
O'Reilly Open Books Project
Pressbooks Directory (7,100+ Free eBooks)
Project Gutenberg (70,000+ Free eBooks)
Read Michigan (Collection of 600+ Free eBooks)
Smithsonian Online Books by Topic
Springer Open Access eBooks Collection
Student Success Textbooks (Free eBooks, Open Textbook Library)
WorldCat, Open Content
Writing Commons, Open Access eBook (Browse Resources by Chapter)