Webliography Resources

Computer Science
1,780+ Free Practical Ed Tech Tutorial Videos
2023 Teens, Social Media and Technology Report (Pew Research)
2023 Top 100 Tools for Learning
2024 AI Index Report (Stanford)
2024 Deep Web Research & Discovery Tools
2024 Generative Artificial Intelligence Resources (Zillman)
2024 SuperTools, a Curated Collection of Web Tools
810+ Free Google Tutorials Videos (from Free Technology for Teachers)
ACM Digital Library
AI Animation, Tools & Tutorials
AI Showcase
Apple Museum
Ars Technica
Artificial Intelligence Resources LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Topics (Harvard)
Brief History of the Internet
CNET: The Computer Network
Code with Google
Computer History Museum
Computer Science Textbooks, Open Textbook Library
Computer Tutorials, Browse by Topic (from GCF Global)
Computing Discoveries (from the National Science Foundation)
Consumer Reports, Computers
CORE (Search the Contents of Open Access Repositories)
Data Science Central
Deep Learning, Free eBook (from MIT Press)
Digital Learn, Technology Tutorials
Dot What? (File Extensions Explained)
Excel Tutorials
Free Technology for Teachers
GCF Global Free, Internet Skills Tutorials
Google Dataset Search
Google Digital Literacy Resources & Tools
Google Docs Tutorial (GCF)
Google for Education
Google Tips for Refining Web Searches
HTML Goodies
Intech Open Access eBooks Collection, Computer Science
Internet Archive
Internet Archive Scholar
Internet Archive, Wayback Machine
Is It Down Right Now?
Kaggle, Datasets
Khan Academy, Computing
MakeUseOf (Guides to Tools, Tutorials, Podcasts and more)
Microsoft 365 Training (Guides & Tutorials)
MIT App Inventor 2, Design Android Apps in your Browser
National Artificial Intelligence Initiative
National Science Digital Library
OER Computer Science Resources (from Iowa State)
Open Data Handbook
Open Data Resource Library
O'Reilly Radar, Browse by Topic
Pew Research Center, Artificial Intelligence
Pew Research Center, Internet & Technology
Python Programming Resources LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Semantic Scholar (Open Access Academic Search engine)
Social Media Tutorials (from GCF Global)
Stanford Center for the Internet & Society
Stanford Internet Observatory
STEM Resources LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Tech Republic Whitepapers
The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
The Next Web
The Verge
Web Literacy for Student Fact Checkers (Free eBook)
Web Style Guide 3rd Edition
Web Tools for Students (that require no registration)
What Is?
ZD Net Emerging Technology Trends