Webliography Resources

Criminal Justice
2022 Crime in Michigan Annual Report, Michigan State Police
2022 Crime in the Unted States (Crime Data Explorer)
2022 Hate Crime Statistics (FBI/UCR)
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Bureau of Justice Statistics, Search Data Collections
Bureau of Justice Statistics, Topics
Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence links page
Community Oriented Policing Services
Corrections Library (National Institute of Corrections)
Crime Data Explorer, Explore by State (FBI)
Crime in the U.S. Uniform Crime Reports
Crime Science, (Open Access Journal)
Crime Solutions.Gov
Crime Solutions.Gov, Criminal Justice Resources by Topic page
Crime Solutions.Gov, Programs & Practices
Criminal Justice (PBS) Frontline programs
Criminal Justice Profiles, Career Resources
Department of Justice, Topics
Dept. of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention, Statistics
FBI, Crime Data Explorer
FBI, History
FBI, Law Enforcement Resources
FBI, NIBRS Imteractive Crime Statistics Data Map, 2022
FBI, Organized Crime page
FBI, Publications
FBI, Uniform Crime Reporting, Statistics
FBI, White Collar Crime
Federal Rules of Evidence
Forensic Science, Michigan State Police
Homeland Security Digital Library
Incarceration Trends by County, Interactive U.S. Map
Justice Outcomes Explorer, Statistics Tool (U.S. Census)
Juvenile Justice Bill Tracking Database
Juvenile Justice GPS
Juvenile Justice Resource Hub
MERLOT Criminal Justice Portal
Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police (MACP)
Michigan Comission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES)
Michigan Compiled Laws
Michigan Department of Corrections
Michigan Department of Corrections Inmate Tracking System
Michigan State Police
MSU Criminal Justice Data & Statistics LibGuide
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
National Center on Institutions and Alternative Innovation in Justice
National Crime Prevention Council
National Criminal Justice Reference Service
National Gang Center.Gov
National Human Trafficking Resource Center, Resources and Reports
NCJRS Topical Index of Reports
NORC Live Crime Tracker (Univ. of Chicago)
Officer.Com, Law Enforcement Jobs
TRAC Data Tools
Uniform Crime Reporting (FBI)