Webliography Resources

A Guide to Africa on the Internet
ABYZ Newslinks for Africa (African News Sources)
Africa (Sub-Saharan news coverage from the Council on Foreign Relations)
Africa Art, Essays and Timelines (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Africa Art, Timeline of Art History (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Africa Focus, the Sights & Sounds of a Continent
Africa Global Issues (from the United Nations)
Africa Map (Interactive Google Mapping Project, Harvard)
Africa Maps (Perry Castenada Map Collection, Univ. of Texas)
Africa News Coverage (PBS) NewsHour
Africa News Coverage, Reuters News Service
Africa Portal
African Arguments
African Development Bank, Educational Resources
African Economic Outlook, 2024
African Online Digital Library (AODL)
African Studies and African Country Resources LibGuide (Pitt)
African Studies Collection (Univ. of Wisconsin)
African Studies Library
African Studies Quarterly: the Online Journal of African Studies
African Studies Research Guide (Oxford)
African Studies Subject Guides (from Cornell Univ.)
African Union
African Voices
African Writing Systems
All Africa
Amnesty International
Amnesty International, Africa
Amnesty International, Sudan
Art of African Exploration (Smithsonian Exhibit)
BBC World News, Africa
Columbia University Libraries, African Studies
Constitute Project (View the Worlds Constitutions)
Council on Foreign Relations, Middle East & North Africa
Council on Foreign Relations, Sub Saharan Africa
Council on Foreign Relations, Sudan
Data Africa
David Rumsey Map Collection
Documentary Footage of the Anti- Apartheid Struggle in South Africa (Community Video Education Trust)
Economic Development in Africa, 2023 (UN)
Egypt Resources, (Columbia University Libraries)
Enough The Project to End Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity (The Center for American Progress)
Frontline (PBS)
Genocide Archive Rwanda
Harvard Humanitarian Initiative
Human Development Reports by Country (from the UN)
Human Rights Watch, Africa
Human Rights Watch, Sudan
International Criminal Court
International Crisis Group
International History Declassified, Browse by People (Wilson Center)
International History Declassified, Collections by Topic (Wilson Center)
Internet African History Sourcebook
King Leopold's Soliloquy 1905 2nd ed. (by Mark Twain)
Library of Congress, African & Middle Eastern Reading Room
Map of Africa (Library of Congress)
Mo Ibrahim Foundation, Browse by Topic
MSU Global Edge, Resources by Country
National Museum of African Art (from the Smithsonian)
National Museum of African Art, Browse Our Collections (Smithsonian)
Nelson Mandela Foundation
PBS NewsHour, Africa
Perry Castenada Map Collection, African Maps (Univ. of Texas)
Pulitzer Center, Africa
Relief Web
Reuters, Africa News
Rulers (Heads of State, 1996- 2024)
United Nations
United Nations Economic Commission on Africa
United Nations in Africa, Peace & Security
United Nations World Health Organization
United Nations World Health Organization, Regional Office for Africa
United Nations, Africa Global Issues
University of Minnesota, Human Rights Library
World Factbook, African Country Profiles
Yale Genocide Studies program