Webliography Resources

2023 Small Business Profiles
2024 ALA/RUSA BRASS Economics, Business LibGuide
2024 Deloitte Consumer Signals
2024 Manufacturing Outlook (Deloitte)
2024 New Economy Web Resources (Zillman)
A to Z of Economics Terms (The Economist)
American Economic Association, Resources
Atlas of Rural & Small Town America
Bank Data and Statistics (from the FDIC)
BEA International Trade & Investment Country Facts
Beige Book, Summary of Economic Conditions 2024 (Federal Reserve)
Better Money Habits, Video Tutorials
Bloomberg Businessweek, Markets and Finance
Brookings Institution, Global Economy & Development
Brookings Institution, Labor & Unemployment
Brookings Institution, Manufacturing & Supply Chains
Brookings Institution, U.S. Economy
Budget of the United States, 2025
Building Community Wealth (Michigan Municipal League)
Bureau of Economic Analysis
Bureau of Labor Statistics, Economy at a Glance
Bureau of Labor Statistics, TED: The Economics Daily
Bureau of Labor Statistics, TED: The Economics Daily, Browse by Topic
Business & Management Research Guides by Subject (from the Library of Congress)
Buy Now, Pay Later: a History of Personal Credit (from the Harvard Business School)
CBO's Economics page
CNN/Business, Economic News
Concise Encyclopedia of Economics
Congressional Budget Office
Consumer Behavior LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Consumer Price Index Calculator
Consumer Price Indexes
Council on Foreign Relations, Budget, Debt & Deficits
Council on Foreign Relations, Economics
Council on Foreign Relations, Economics Crises
Council on Foreign Relations, RealEcon
Council on Foreign Relations, Trade
Council on Foreign Relations, U.S. Trade Deficit
Detroit Economic Club
Digital Economist
Distressed Communities Index Map, Searchable by Zip Code
Economic Education Resources (from the St. Louis Fed)
Economic History Association, Web Resources page
Economic Indicators (U.S. Census)
Economic Indicators, 2024 (Search by Month or Year back to 1995)
Economic Issue Guides, Economic Policy Institute
Economic Outlook for Southeast Asia, China and India
Economic Policy Institute
Economic Report of the President, (1995- current)
Economics Glossary (the Economist)
Economics Network, Educational Resources
Economics Resources LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Economics Textbooks (Open Textbook Library)
Economics Topics (National Bureau of Economic Research)
Economist, Markets & Data
Economist, Podcasts
Emergency Financial System Bailout, 2008 (text of from the New York Times)
Encyclopedia of Business & Economic History
Eurostat, European Statistics
Exchange Rates Search (from Google)
Explore Census Data
Factors in Food Commodity Price Increases (from the USDA)
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Teacher Resources Index
Federal Reserve Board
Federal Reserve, Monetary policy
Federal Reserve, News & Events
Financial Literacy Resources (from the PBS Newshour)
Financial Literacy Resources for Parents and Caregivers
FRASER (Federal Reserve Archival System for Research)
Freakonomics Blog
FRED Economic Research
Frontline (PBS) Business & Economics related programs
Gallup, Economy
Global Economic Outlook 2024 (World Bank)
Global Financial Crisis (from the Financial Times)
Global Supply Chain Pressure Index (from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Google Dataset Search
Google Finance
Harvard Business School, Working Knowledge for Business Leaders
Hypertextual Finance Glossary (from Duke University)
Index of Economic Freedom 2024 (Heritage Foundation)
Institute for New Economic Thinking
Institute for New Economic Thinking, Video Collection
International Economic Data by Country (FRED)
International Monetary Fund
International Monetary Fund eLibrary (IMF)
International Monetary Fund, Browse by Country
Kaggle, Datasets
Khan Academy, Economics and Finance
Levy Economics Institute of Bard College
Living Wage Calculator (from MIT)
London School of Economics, Lectures & Events
Longitudinal Employer- Household Dynamics (U.S. Census Bureau)
Maker Move (Startup Tools & Resources)
Markets Data Center (from the Wall Street Journal)
Measuring Worth
Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), Industries
Michigan Economy at a Glance
Michigan Economy, Research LibGuide (from EMU)
Michigan Labor Market Information, MI Fast Facts page
Michigan Labor Market, Data Search
Michigan League for Public Policy
Michigan's Labor Market News
Michigan's Report Card for America's Infrastructure, 2023 (American Council of Civil Engineers)
Minimum Wage Laws of the U.S. (Interactive map, U.S. Dept of Labor)
MIT OpenCourseWare Economics
MRU.Org, Economics Resources
MSU Global Edge
National Bureau of Economic Research
New Economy Resources, 2024
Nobel Prize- Economics
NPR, Economics News
NPR's Marketplace
OECD Economics
Office of Management and Budget
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Oil & Gas Industry Research Guide (Library of Congress)
Open Textbook Library, Economics Textbooks Collection
Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development
PBS NewsHour, Economics News coverage
Pew Research Financial, Fiscal and Economic Policy
Poverty USA, Maps & Data
Practical Money Skills, Resources page
Principles of Economics, Free Open Textbook (from OpenStax)
Principles of Macroeconomics, Free Open Textbook (from OpenStax)
Principles of Microeconomics, Free Open Textbook (from OpenStax)
Reuters, Business & Market News
SEMCOG, Data and Maps
SEMCOG, Data by Community
SEMCOG, Economic Indicators
SEMCOG, Economic Trends
SEMCOG, Open Data Portal
State Economies at a Glance (BLS map)
Tax Policy Center (from the Brookings Institution)
TED Talks, Economics
Think Tank Search, Google Custom Search of 1,200+ Think Tanks & Research Centers
U.S. Census Bureau: Business & Industry Statistics
U.S. Economy at a Glance
U.S. Monetary Policy, An Introduction (U.S. Federal Reserve)
USASpending.Gov, Spending Explorer
USDA, Economic Research Service
Visualizing Economics (Visual Collection of Economics data)
Warren Buffett A to Z Video Collection Archive
WolframAlpha, Economic Data
WolframAlpha, Money & Finance
World Bank, Browse by Topic
World Bank, Open Data
World Bank, Research & Publications
World Economic Forum
World Food Situation (from the UN)
Yahoo Finance
YouTube. The Economist