Webliography Resources

Higher Education
2023 Best Collections of AI Tools (Larry Ferlazzo)
2023 Top 100 Tools for Learning
2023 Top 100 Tools for Teaching & Learning by Category
2024 Best Artificial Intelligence Tools & Resources for Teachers & Students
2024 Horizon Report: Teaching and Learning Edition (EDUCAUSE)
2024 Listing of OER Resources (from Zillman)
2024 SuperTools, a Curated Collection of Web Tools
AAC&U, Resources
AACC 21st Century Center, Resources by Topic
Achieving the Dream
Active Learning Teaching Strategies (Univ. of Minnesota Learning Center)
American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)
American Association of Community Colleges, Resource Center
American Council on Education
American Council on Education, Higher Education Topics
American Educational Research Association
Arts & Letters Daily
Association for Institutional Research
Association for the Study of Higher Education
Bloom's Taxonomy Revisited
Brookings Institution Education Research Topics
Cambridge Open Engage
Campus Technology, Educational Technology for Higher Education
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Center for Analysis of Postsecondary Education and Employment (CAPSEE)
Centers for Teaching Excellence Directory (POD Network)
Chronicle of Higher Education
Chronicle of Higher Education, Reports & Guides
CIRTL, STEM Resources
Clemson University, Websites for Instructors (Office of Teaching Effectiveness and Innovation)
College & Career Readiness (AIR)
College Affordability and Transparency Center (from the U.S. Dept of Education)
College Completion Toolkit (ED.Gov)
College Navigator, from the National Center for Educational Statistics
College Promise Programs in the U.S. (from Penn Ahead)
College Promise Programs, Interactive National Map (from Penn Ahead)
College Scorecard (Ed.Gov)
College Success Strategies LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Columbia University Teachers College, Expertise Database
Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources
Community College Daily
Community College Enterprise: a Journal of Research & Practice (Schoolcraft College)
Community College Enterprise: Article Index
Community College Finder
Community College Research Center
Community College Survey of Student Engagement
Community College Survey of Student Engagement, Publications and Resources
Community Colleges for International Development
Condition of Education, 2024 Report
Condition of Education, at a Glance, 2024 (from NCES)
Condition of Education, Complete Reports 1989- 2024 (from NCES)
Continuing Ed Update blog (UPCEA)
CORE (Search the Contents of Open Access Repositories)
Council for the Study of Community Colleges
Data & Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education
Deloitte, Higher Education
Digest of Education Statistics (NCES)
Digital Commons, Listing by Institution
Directory of Open Access Journals
EBSCO Open Dissertations Search
Ecampus News, Resource Library
ECS Competency- Based Education, Tools & Resources (Education Commission of the States)
ECS Postsecondary Issues Resources page (Education Commission of the States)
ECS State Policy Database, State Legislation (Education Commission of the States)
EdSurge, Higher Ed
Education Resource Organizations Directory (ED.Gov)
Education Writers Association, Higher Education Issues
Education/OER Resources (Creative Commons)
Educational Attainment in the U.S., 2022 (U.S. Census Bureau)
EDUCAUSE, Hybrid Learning
EDUCAUSE, Library, Teaching & Learning
EDUCAUSE, Student & Faculty Technology Studies (2004- present)
EDUCAUSE, Student Success
E-Learn Magazine
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
Getting Results, Faculty Development Modules (from the League)
Hanover Research, Student Success
Harvard Websites for Educators
Hewlett Foundation, Education
Higher Ed Dive
Higher Ed Today Blog
Higher Education Collection, National Academies Press
Higher Education Statistics webliography
Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
Human Intelligence, Resources for Teachers
IDEA Center Teaching & Learning Resources (from Kansas State University)
Indiana University, Teaching & Learning Resources
Inside Higher Ed
Inside Higher Ed, Podcasts
Inside Higher Ed, Reports & Data
Inside Higher Ed, Student Success
Instruction Resources, (from USC)
Instructional Design for Online Learning
Internet Archive Scholar
League for Innovation in the Community College
Learning Support Centers in Higher Education Resources page
MERLOT, Pedagogy Portal
Michigan Community College Association
Michigan Professional Learning Portal
Michigan Transfer Network
Mindset Kit (PERT, Stanford)
MindShift (KQED), Higher Education
MIT Open Courseware
MIT Open Courseware, (master course list)
MIT YouTube Channel
NACADA Clearinghouse of Academic Advising Resources (Resources by Topic)
NACADA Clearinghouse, Retention Resources
National Community College Chair Academy
National Forum on Higher Education for the Public Good
National Initiative for Leadership and Institutional Effectiveness
National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment
National Organization for Staff and Organizational Development
National Resource Center First Year Experience, First Year of College Resources
OER Commons Search
OER Commons, Community College Resources for Faculty & Students
Open Access Dissertations and Theses (from ProQuest)
Open Access Journals & Repositories LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Open Education Global
Open Stax, Free Open Textbooks by Subject
Open Textbook Library, Textbooks by Subject
Open Theses & Dissertations, Searchable Collection
Periodicals Related to College Teaching (List of from Kennesaw State)
Peterson's Education Center
Rand Publications, Reports on Higher Education
Resources for Enhancing Education (from Carnegie Mellon)
Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence, Tools for Teaching and Learning (from Penn St. Univ.)
Search for Public Schools (from NCES)
Searle Center for Teaching Excellence, Teaching Resources page
Semantic Scholar (Academic Search engine)
Skills Commons, Workforce Development Digital Library
Smithsonian Learning Lab
Stanford Teaching Commons, Explore Teaching Guides
Student Success (Free eBooks, OpenTextbook Library)
Study Skills and Tutorials Resources LibGuide (Schoolcraft Colllege)
Teaching and Learning Guides (Vanderbilt)
Teaching Professor Blog
Teaching Resources, University of California Berkeley
Teaching Tips Index (Honolulu CC)
Technological Horizons in Education (THE) journal
Think Tank Search, Google Custom Search of 1,200+ Think Tanks & Research Centers
U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Dept of Education, Data & Statistics
University of Kansas, Center for Teaching Excellence
University of Texas, Instructional Strategies Resources page
Usable Knowledge, Connecting Research to Practice (Harvard)
Virtual Assessment Center (from the University of Minnesota)
Web sites for Instructors (from Clemson)
What Works Clearinghouse (IES)
What Works Clearinghouse, Reviews of Individual Studies (IES)
WorldCat, Open Content