Webliography Resources

Higher Education Learning Styles
1,780+ Practical Ed Tech Tip Videos (from Richard Byrne, Free Technology for Teachers)
100+ Activities for Motivating and Retaining Learners Online (eBook)
2023 Top 100 Tools for Learning
2024 Best Artificial Intelligence Tools & Resources for Teachers & Students
2024 Horizon Report: Teaching and Learning Edition (EDUCAUSE)
2024 SuperTools, a Curated Collection of Web Tools
285+ Interactive Teaching Techniques
6 Things You Can Do To Deepen Student Learning (from Faculty Focus)
7 Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education
810+ Google Tutorial Videos (from Richard Byrne, Free Technology for Teachers)
Active Learning Resources (U Minnesota Center for Teaching & Learning)
Active Learning, EDUCAUSE Library
Agile Learning Blog (Derek Bruff)
AI in Learning: Designing the Future, 2023 (Springer Open Access eBook)
Best Resources for Helping Teachers Use Bloom's Taxonomy (from Larry Ferlazzo)
Best Teachers Summer Institute, Resources on Teaching & Learning
Blended Learning Toolkit, Bibliography
Blended Learning Toolkit, Related Journals
Blended Learning Toolkit, Related Organizations & Conferences
Blended Learning, Introduction (Khan Academy)
Bloomin Apps Revised Interactive Taxonomy
Bloom's Taxonomy Interactive (from Iowa State Univ.)
Bloom's Taxonomy Introduction (Univ. of Central Florida)
Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains
Bloom's Taxonomy Revised
Brain-Based Learning, Resource Roundup (Edutopia)
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, eLibrary
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Publications Archive
Carnegie Mellon, Learning & Teaching Principles
Case Studies, the Case Method in Practice (Harvard Business School)
CAUSE Teaching Methods, Pedagogic Resource Library
Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, Learning Theories Resources page (University of Michigan)
Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, Student Learning Resources page (University of Michigan)
Center for Teaching & Learning, Teaching Resources page (Univ. of Washington)
Centers for Teaching Excellence, Resources (Univ. of Kansas)
College Success Strategies LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Community College Enterprise: a Journal of Research & Practice (Schoolcraft College)
Creativity Techniques A to Z
Developmental Education Resources LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Differentiator Tool (with Bloom's Taxonomy)
EdSurge, Higher Education
Education Arcade (MIT)
EDUCAUSE Library, Teaching & Learning
EDUCAUSE Library, Teaching & Learning Resources
EDUCAUSE Student Success
Edutopia, Technology Integration
EvoLLLution, Teaching and Learning
Exploratorium Digital Library
Exploring How Students Learn
Faculty Focus, Articles
Getting Smart (Think, Learn, Innovate)
Glossary of Instructional Strategies
Growth Mindset Toolkit
Hewlett Foundation Library Repository
How People Learn, Brain, Mind, Experience & School (Nat'l Academies Press)
How People Learn, Bridging Research & Practice (Nat'l Academies Press)
Howard Gardner Technology and Multiple Intelligences (MI Oasis)
Howard Gardner's home page
Hybrid Learning, EDUCAUSE Library
Index of Learning Styles (NC State)
Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire (Felder)
Index of Learning Theories & Models
Innovative Learning, Resource page
Instructional Design for Online Learning
Instructional Design Knowledge Base (George Mason University)
Instructional Design.Org Resources page
Instructional Use of Learning Objects
Internet Archive Scholar
Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (CUNY)
Just in Time Teaching (Vanderbilt)
Learning & Memory (American Psychological Association)
Learning & The Brain Blog
Learning Concepts (Instructional Design.Org website)
Learning Domains (InstructionalDesign.Org)
Learning from YouTube (Video book)
Learning Spaces (eBook) from EDUCAUSE
Learning Spaces (eBook, from JISC)
Learning Styles & Strategies (Felder Legacy site)
Learning Styles (from Vanderbilt)
Learning Theories (InstructionalDesign.Org)
Learning Theories & Ideas (Infed.Org)
Learning Theories (U of M Center for Research on Learning & Teaching)
Learning Theories, Interactive Wheel Map
Learning Theory (from Infed.Org)
Learning: Theory and Research (Cal Berkeley)
Major Categories in the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
MERLOT, Health Sciences Community Portal
MERLOT, Pedagogy Portal
MERLOT, Teacher Education Community Portal
Mindset Kit (from PERTS, Stanford)
Mindset Works
Mobile Learning, DePaul Univ. Teaching Commons
Multiple Intelligences
National Center for Academic Transformation
National Center on Universal Design for Learning, UDL Guidelines
National Service Learning Clearinghouse
Next Generation Learning Challenges, Resources by Topic
Next Generation Learning Challenges, Resources page
Pedagogical Theory (from Vanderbilt)
Pedagogy in Action, SERC Portal for Educators
Peer Instruction blog, Turn to your Neighbor
Principles of Teaching & Learning (from Carnegie Mellon University)
Problem Based Learning Clearinghouse
Project Based Learning Checklist
Research Based Teaching Online Publications (Derek Bok Center, Harvard)
Richard Felder's Legacy home page
Searle Center for Teaching Excellence (Northwestern) Web sites related to Teaching & Learning
Semantic Scholar (Open Access Academic Search Engine)
SERC Portal, Research on Learning, Web Resources, Browse by Topic
Service Learning & Community Engagement Resources (Vanderbilt Univ. Center for Teaching)
Student Centered Teaching (Felder)
Student Success (Free eBooks, Open Textbook Library)
Student Success Resources (EDUCAUSE)
Students at the Center Hub, Resources page
Study Skills and Tutorials Resources LibGuide (Schoolcraft Colllege)
Success Types Learning Style Type Indicator
Teaching & Learning Resources (Univ. of Texas) Center for Teaching Effectiveness
Teaching Resources (Grand Valley St. Univ.)
Teaching Tips Index (Honolulu Community College)
Tips on Writing Learning Objectives (Iowa State University)
VARK Learning Style Helpsheets
Visual Thinking Resources (Derek Bruff)
Visual Thinking Teaching Guide (Vanderbilt)
Visualization Resources
Web Literacy Map (from Mozilla)
What is "Significant Learning"?