Webliography Resources

Higher Education Teaching
1,775+ Practical Ed Tech Tip Videos (from Richard Byrne, Free Technology for Teachers)
101 Things You Can Do on the First Three Weeks of Class
2023 Best Free AI sites for the Classroom (Ferlazzo)
2023 Student Technology Report (EDUCAUSE)
2023 Top 100 Teaching & Learning Tools
2023 Top 100 Teaching & Learning Tools by Category
2024 Best Artificial Intelligence Tools & Resources for Teachers & Students
2024 Horizon Report: Teaching and Learning Edition (EDUCAUSE)
2024 Listing of OER Resources (from Zillman)
2024 SuperTools, a Curated Collection of Web Tools
285+ Interactive Teaching Techniques
7 Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education
7 Things You Should Know About (EDUCAUSE Series of Learning Technology Topics)
810+ Google Tools Tutorial Videos (from Richard Byrne, Free Technology for Teachers)
90 Best Educational Technology Blogs and Websites for Educators, 2024
90 Best Higher Education Blogs, Websites, 2024
AACTE, Resources page
Active Learning Resources, (University of Minnesota)
Agile Learning Blog (Derek Bruff)
AI Showcase
AMSER, Applied Math & Science Education Repository
Analytical Sciences Digital Library
Best Practices, a Collection of 80+ Interactive Guides by Subject (from Vanderbilt)
Best Resources for Helping Teachers Use Bloom's Taxonomy in the Classroom (from Larry Ferlazzo)
Best Teachers Summer Institute, Resources on Teaching & Learning
Blended Learning Toolkit, Bibliography
Blended Learning Toolkit, Related Journals
Blended Learning Toolkit, Related Organizations & Conferences
Cambridge Open Engage
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, Resources page
Carnegie Mellon, Eberly Center for Teaching
Center for Instructional Technology, (Duke University)
Center for Research on Learning & Teaching, Resources page (from the University of Michigan)
Center for Teaching and Learning, Resources (Univ. of Colorado)
Centers for Teaching Excellence (POD Network)
Chronicle of Higher Education
Columbia University Teachers College, Faculty Expertise Database
Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources
Community College Enterprise, Article Archives Index
Community College Enterprise: a Journal of Research & Practice (Schoolcraft College)
Community College Finder
Continuing Ed Update blog (UPCEA)
CORE (Search the Contents of Open Access Repositories)
Creativity Techniques A to Z
Critical AI Literacy for Educators
Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Resources page
Digital Commons Network, Explore Research by Topic (Free Open Access Articles)
Digital Commons, Listing by Institution
Directory of Open Access Journals
Edge Foundation, Conversations
EdSurge, Higher Ed
Education Resource Organizations Directory (ED.Gov)
Education Resources LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Educational Development Centers (from Dalhousie University)
Educational Technology, Browse All Categories of Resources
Educational Technology, Ed Tech Tools
EDUCAUSE Hybrid Learning
EDUCAUSE Learning Environments
EDUCAUSE Library, Teaching and Learning
EDUCAUSE Student & Faculty Technology Studies (2004- present)
EDUCAUSE Student Success Resources
Elearn Magazine
EvoLLLution, Teaching & Learning (archive)
Find OER (Open Professionals Education Network)
Flipping your Class Resources (Univ of Texas)
Free Technology for Teachers blog
Free Technology for Teachers, Tutorials Playlist (YouTube)
Free Web Tools that Require No Registration (L Houle's Ed Tools)
Getting Smart (Think, Learn, Innovate)
Google for Education, Free Self-Paced Online Courses
Google Forms Video Tutorial playlist (from Free Technology for Teachers)
Google, Search Education
Growth Mindset Toolkit
Harvard EdCasts
Harvard Websites for Educators
HASTAC Commons
Higher Education Teaching and Learning Portal (HETL)
History of Mathematics Project
Hybrid Learning EDUCAUSE Library
ICPSR Teaching and Learning Data Resources
IDEA Center, IDEA Papers Series
IDEA Center, Research & Papers
Ideas for Great Group Work (from Duke)
Ideas for Teaching (Yale Univ.)
Index of Learning Theories & Models
Inside Higher Ed
Inside Higher Ed, Teaching & Learning
Instructional Design.Org
Instructional Strategies & Resources (Univ. of Texas)
Interactive Lecturing Resources (SERC)
ION, Online Instructional Activities Index
JSTOR Daily Magazine
JSTOR Open Content (11,000+ eBooks)
Ken Burns in the Classroom, Collection (PBS)
Learn Genetics (from the Univ. of Utah)
Learner Centered Teaching (Felder)
Learning for Justice, Resources (from the Southern Poverty Law Center)
Learning from YouTube
Learning Support Centers in Higher Education, Resources page
Learning Theories
MERLOT, Faculty Development Portal
MERLOT, Health Sciences Community Portal
MERLOT, Pedagogy Portal
Michigan Virtual University, Professional Learning Portal
Mindset Kit (from PERTS, Stanford)
Mindset Works
MindShift (KQED)
National Learning Communities Directory, Learning Communities Resources
National Science Digital Library (OER Commons)
National Service Learning Clearinghouse
New Media Consortium, Horizon Reports archive (EDUCAUSE)
New Technology Teaching & Learning Tools LibGuide
OER Commons Hubs, Browse the Featured Collections
OER Commons Search
OER Commons, Open Textbooks
Open Access Journals & Repositories LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Open Access Theses and Dissertations (ProQuest)
Open Culture Blog, Best Free Cultural & Educational Media
Open Education Global
Open Math Notes (from AMS)
Open Textbook Library, Browse by Subject
OpenStax, eBooks Collection Browse by Subject
Openverse (Creative Commons Search)
Pedagogy in Action (SERC Portal for Educators)
Pedagogy in Action, Teaching Methods (SERC Portal for Educators)
Peer Instruction blog, Turn to your Neighbor
Presentation Tools, Tips and Techniques, LibGuide
Principles of Teaching & Learning (from Carnegie Mellon University)
Purdue/OWL, Writing Resources By Topic (site map)
Read Michigan, Browse by Category (Collection of 600+ eBooks)
Richard Felder's Legacy home page
Ryerson University, Best Practices Series, Archive of Topics
Searle Center for Teaching Excellence Resource links page (Northwestern University)
Semantic Scholar (Open Access Academic Search engine)
Skills Commons, Workforce Development Open Digital Library
Stanford Teaching Commons, Explore Teaching Guides
Stanford Teaching Commons, Learning Activities
Stanford Teaching Commons, Strategies for Teaching Online
Student Success Textbooks (Free eBooks, Open Textbook Library)
Students at the Center Hub, Resources page
Supertools (Curated Directory of AI Tools)
Taxonomies of Learning
Teach Genetics (from Univ. of Utah)
Teaching and Learning Resources LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Teaching and Learning Webliography (from UBC)
Teaching Guides by Topic (Vanderbilt Univ. Center for Teaching)
Teaching in Higher Ed Podcast
Teaching Journals Directory (Kennesaw State University)
Teaching Professor Blog (Faculty Focus)
Teaching Resources (Derek Bok Center, Harvard)
Teaching Resources (Grand Valley St. Univ.)
Teaching Resources (Indiana University, Center for Innovative Teaching & Learning)
Teaching Resources by Topic (from Vanderbilt Center for Teaching)
Teaching Resources, Office of Teaching, Learning & Technology (Univ. of Iowa)
Teaching Strategies (from U of M)
Teaching Tips Index (from Honolulu CC)
TED- ED Lessons, Browse by Subject
University of New England, Teaching Resources page
Usable Knowledge, Connecting Research to Practice (Harvard)
Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching, Guides
Visual Thinking Teaching Guide (Vanderbilt)
WAC Clearinghouse
Web Tools for Students (that require no registration)
Websites for Instructional Use (from Clemson)
What's Your Problem? EdTech Video Series (Schoolcraft College)
WorldCat, Open Content
Writing Across the Curriculum Clearinghouse, Resources page
Writing Good Multiple Choice Questions (Vanderbilt)