Webliography Resources

Higher Education Teaching, Engaging Students
1,780+ Practical Ed Tech Tip Videos for Teachers (from Richard Byrne, Free Technology for Teachers)
10 Ways to Promote Student Engagement (Faculty Focus)
100+ Activities for Motivating and Retaining Learners Online (eBook)
101 Things You Can Do During the First 3 Weeks of Class
2023 Top 100 Tools for Teaching & Learning
2023 Top 100 Tools for Teaching & Learning by Category
2024 Horizon Report: Teaching and Learning Edition (EDUCAUSE)
2024 SuperTools, a Curated Collection of Web Tools
26 Keys to Student Engagement
285+ Interactive Teaching Techniques
7 Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education
7 Things You Should Know (Series) EDUCAUSE
810+ Google Tools Tutorial Videos (from Richard Byrne, Free Technology for Teachers)
Active Learning Resources (U Minnesota Center for Teaching and Learning)
Active Learning Resources (Vanderbilt University)
CCCSE (Center for Community College Student Engagement), publications
Center for Research on Learning & Teaching, Active Learning Resource page (University of Michigan)
Classroom Activity Resources (DePaul Teaching Commons)
Educational Technology, AI in Education
EDUCAUSE Library, Student Engagement and Interaction
Engaging Students, Cornell Center for Teaching and Learning
Faculty Focus, Teaching with Technology
Flipped Classroom webliography, Schoolcraft College
Free Technology for Teachers Blog
Free Tools that require no registration
Free Web Tools that Require No Registration (L Houle's Ed Tools)
Growth Mindset Toolkit
How to Determine if Student Engagement is Leading to Learning (from MindShift)
Mindset Kit (from PERTS, Stanford)
Mindset Works
National Survey of Student Engagement
OER Commons
Promoting Student Transformation at a Community College
Remix-T, Media 101 Project Gallery (Univ. of Notre Dame)
Strategies for Helping Students Motivate Themselves (from Larry Ferlazzo, Edutopia)
Student Engagement and Interaction Resources, EDUCAUSE Library
Student Engagement: Resource Roundup (Resources for all levels, from Edutopia)
Student Success Textbooks (Free eBooks, OpenTextbook Library)
Supertools (Curated Directory of AI Tools)
Team Based Learning (from Duke University)
Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching, Guides
Web Literacy Map (from Mozilla)
What is Student Engagement Anyway? EDUCAUSE Quarterly