Webliography Resources

Historical Primary Source Materials (Using)
Alexander Hamilton Papers (from the Library of Congress)
America in Class, Primary Sources
American Archives: Documents of the American Revolution, (1774- 1776)
American Civil War, Free Online Primary Sources (ALA/ACRL)
American Founders Online, Digital Historic Texts (from the Library of Congress)
American Revolution: A Documentary History (Avalon Project, Yale)
America's Founding Documents
America's Historical Documents (U.S. National Archives)
Avalon Project at Yale (Historical Documents Collection)
Avalon Project, Documents on Slavery
Avalon Project, Statutes Concerning Slavery
Black Freedom Struggle in the United States, Collection of Primary Sources (from ProQuest)
Cambridge Digital Library, Papers of Sir Isaac Newton
Citing Primary Sources Using MLA (Library of Congress)
Civil Rights Digital Library, (from the Digital Library of Georgia)
Civil War Photography Collection, Barnard & Gardner Civil War Photographs (Duke University Libraries)
Collection on Liberty and the American Revolution, Princeton University Digital Library
Coming of the American Revolution (1764- 1776) Massachusetts Historical Society Primary Sources
CURIOUSity Digital Collections (Harvard Library)
Declaration of Independence Annotated (JSTOR)
Designs for Democracy 200 years of Design Drawings (National Archives)
Digital Collection on Liberty & the American Revolution (Princeton)
Digital Collections, Library of Congress
Digital Public Library of America, Primary Source Sets
DocsTeach, Browse by Themed Collection (from the U.S. National Archives)
DocsTeach, Explore Primary Sources (U.S. National Archives)
Eisenhower Library, Online Documents
Europeana (1914- 1918)
Evaluating Primary Sources (from Lafayette College)
FDR Digital Library Collections
Finding Primary Sources, (Library of Congress)
FLARE Index to Treaties (1856- present)
Founders Constitution Project (University of Chicago)
Founders Early Access, Historical Digital Papers Project (Univ. of Virginia Press)
Founders Online (from the National Archives)
Free to Use and Reuse Sets (Library of Congress)
Getting Started with Primary Sources, (Library of Congress)
Gettysburg Address (Google Arts & Culture)
Harry S. Truman Library, Online Documents & Photographs by Subject
Historical Archives of the European Union
Historical Primary Source Materials LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
History Engine
History Hub (U.S. National Archives)
History Matters: Making Sense of Evidence
History Research Guides (from the Library of Congress)
International History Declassified, Browse by Location (Wilson Center)
International History Declassified, Collections by Theme (Wilson Center)
JSTOR Annotations Document Collection
Library of Congress, By the People Crowdsourcing projects
Lincoln Net
Making of America (University of Michigan)
Making of Modern Michigan (from Michigan St. Univ.)
National Archives, Archival Research Galleries by Historical Topic
National Archives, Digital Vaults (Explore Historical Documents)
National Archives, Educator Resources
National Archives, Online Exhibits
National Archives, Online Public Access Records
National Archives, Online Public Access Records (advanced search)
National Archives, Teachers Resources: Special Topics and Tools
National Archives, Teaching with Documents
Nuremberg Trials Project (from Harvard)
Our Americas, Americas Collection (1811- 1920), Archival Partnership Digital Project
Primary Documents in American History Research Guides (from the Library of Congress)
Primary Source sets (from the Library of Congress)
Primary Source Sets Collection, Digital Public Library of America
Primary Sources on the Web (LibGuide, University of California at Berkeley)
Prints & Photographs Online Catalog (Library of Congress)
Shakespeare Documented
Smithsonian, Collection Search
Smithsonian, Digital Volunteers Transcription Center
Smithsonian, Learning Lab
Smithsonian, Open Access Collections
Teacher's Guides and Analysis Tools for Using Primary Sources (Library of Congress)
Teaching American History.Org, Documents Library
Theodore Roosevelt Digital Library
Using Primary Sources on the Web (ALA/ACRL)
WorldCat, Open Content