Webliography Resources

1,700+ Free Art eBooks from the Metropolitan Museum of Art
200+ Free Art eBooks from the Guggenheim Art Museum via the Internet Archive
2023 Books We Love (NPR)
2024 National Book Festival, (Library of Congress)
2024 Pageturners Book Club, Fall Book Events (Schoolcraft College)
Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations
American Archive of Public Broadcasting, Special Collections
American Masters Digital Archive (from PBS)
Art Resources LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Arts & Architecture OER Resources (from Iowa State)
ArtStor, Browse Public Collections
Boundless Art History
Canadian Encyclopedia
Canadian National Arts Centre
Center for New History and New Media
CyArk, Explore
Detroit Institute of Arts
Digital Collections from The Metropolitan Museum of Art Libraries
Digital Humanities Quarterly
Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities
Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)
Digital Public Library of America (DPLA), Palace Bookshelf
Directory of Open Access Books, (DOAB)
Directory of Open Access Books, Browse by Publisher
Discover the Library of Congress (Browse by Format)
Ebooks@Cambridge, Free eBooks Collection
Edsitement, Best of the Humanities on the Web
Europeana Photography Collection (More than 6 Million items)
Excelsior Writing Lab (site map)
Getty Research Portal
Google Arts & Culture
Google Arts & Culture, Browse by Artist, A to Z
Google Arts & Culture, Memory of the World Project
Great Art Explained (YouTube)
Harvard Classics Collection of eBooks (Internet Archive, Texts Archive)
HASTAC Commons
Humanities Commons
Humanities for All
Humanities Indicators, Higher Education Resource Center
Humanities Resources LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Internet Archive eTexts Collection (Access More Than 40 Million Titles)
Internet Archive Scholar
JSTOR Daily Magazine
JSTOR Early Content Journal Collection (Internet Archive)
JSTOR Images Search
JSTOR Open Content Collection (12,000+ eBooks)
Ken Burns in the Classroom, Collection (PBS)
Kennedy Center, Digital Resources Library
Khan Academy, Arts & Humanities Resources
Library of Congress, Digital Collections
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Art Essays and Timelines
Metropolitan Museum of Art, eBook Collection (1700+ titles available)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Images of Artworks
Mother of All Art websites
National Endowment for the Humanities, Digital Humanities Resource Library
National Public Radio (NPR)
NEA, Research publications
NEH, Office of Digital Humanities
Nobel Prize Foundation
OER Commons Search
Open Access Resources LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Open Culture
Open Humanities Press
Open Library of the Humanities
Open Textbook Library, Browse by Subject
OpenStax, Browse by Subject (College Textbooks)
Openverse (Creative Commons Search)
PBS, Learning Media
Purdue/OWL, Resources by Topic (site map)
Read Michigan (Collection of 600+ Free eBooks)
Read Michigan, Browse by Category (Collection of 600+ Free eBooks)
Schoolcraft Scholars, Schoolcraft College
Smithsonian Collections Search
Smithsonian, Open Access Collections
Social Science Space
Storybench (Digital Storytelling Resource)