Webliography Resources

Literacy Resources
2024 Horizon Report: Teaching and Learning Edition (EDUCAUSE)
21st Century Information Fluency Project Annotated links
21st Century Information Fluency Project, Internet Search Challenges
7 Things you should know about Visual Literacy (EDUCAUSE)
AdLit.Org, AdLit 101
AdLit.Org, Classroom Strategies
AdLit.Org, Hot Topics in Adolescent Literacy A to Z
ALA/ACRL, Characteristics of information Literacy Programs that Illustrate Best Practices: a Guideline
ALA/ACRL, Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education
ALA/ACRL, Information Literacy Toolkit
ALA/ACRL, Standards for Libraries in Higher Education
Bad News, Interactive Game for Understanding Fake News (from Cambridge)
Berkman Klein Center for the Internet & Society (Harvard)
Berkman Klein Center for the Internet & Society, Youth and Media Project
Beyond Basics, Literacy is for Everyone (Detroit, Michigan)
Book Search by Lexile Reading Level
Checklist for Evaluating Web Resources
Common Sense Media
Communications in Information Literacy
Connected Learning Alliance
Critical AI Literacy for Educators
Critical Need for AI Literacy
Digital Literacy Initiatives (LINCS)
Digital Literacy Resource Platform (Harvard/Berkman Klein)
Digital Readiness Gaps, Pew Research Report
Digital.Gov, Guides and Resources
EDUCAUSE Library, Information Literacy
EDUCAUSE Student & Faculty Technology Studies (2004- present)
Evaluating Sources (Purdue/OWL)
Evaluating Web Resources webliography
Google Fact Check Explorer
Google for Education webpage
Guide to Google Search Tips & Tricks
Information Literacy Assessment Resources (ALA/ACRL)
Information Literacy Resources LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Information Literacy Tutorial (Univ. of Notre Dame)
Kids and Screen Time (NPR)
Know the Science (tools and video)
Literacy Information & Communication System (LINCS)
Literacy Information & Communication System (LINCS), Adult Education & Literacy Resource Collection
Literacy Information & Communication System (LINCS), Learner Center
LOEX Clearinghouse for Library Instruction
Media Education Lab, Resources by Topic (Univ of Rhode Island)
Media Literacy & Media Education Organizations (from Ithaca College)
Media Literacy Clearinghouse, Resources page
Media Literacy Resources, Project Look Sharp
Misinformation Review (from the Harvard Kennedy School)
National Literacy Programs Directory
New Technology Teaching & Learning Tools LibGuide
Newsela, Current News Stories by Reading Level & Reading Standard
Peer Reviewed Instructional Materials Online Database (PRIMO) ALA/ACRL
Pew Research Center, Generation X
Pew Research Center, Generation Z
Pew Research Center, Internet & Technology
Pew Research Center, Millennials
Plagiarism Resources LibGuide (Schoolcraft College)
Project Information Literacy
Project Information Literacy, Practical PIL
Project Information Literacy, Publications
Project Information Literacy, Smart Talk Interviews
Project Information Literacy, Videos
Purdue/OWL, Writing Resources By Topic (site map)
Reading is Fundamental
Science Education in an Age of Misinformation (Stanford)
Science Literacy Foundation, Resource Guide
Teach Information Literacy & Critical Thinking Resource page
Web Literacy for Student Fact Checkers (Free eBook)
Web Literacy Map (from Mozilla)
Web Tools for Students (that require no registration)
What is Health Literacy? (from the National Library of Medicine)