Webliography Resources

Middle East Resources
1001 Inventions
ABYZ News links, Worldwide Online Newspaper Directory
Arab American National Museum
Arab American National Museum, Resources for Educators
Arab American National Museum, Special Collections
Arab News, (the Middle East's leading english language daily)
Arab Spring, Study & Research Guide (Cornell Univ.)
Avalon Project, the Middle East Historic Documents (from 1916- 2010)
BBC News, in Arabic
BBC News, Middle East News
Brookings Institute, Iran
Brookings Institute, Iraq
Brookings Institute, Middle East
Carnegie Endowment, Middle East Program
Carnegie Endowment, the Middle East
Carnegie Middle East Center, Publications
Center for Middle East Policy (Brookings Institute)
Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies (Univ of Michigan)
Center for Strategic & International Studies, Middle East Region
Center for Strategic & International Studies, Middle Eastern Analysis
CIA World Factbook, Middle East
CNN, Middle East
Columbia University, Middle East & Islamic Studies
Columbia University, Middle East Institute
Congressional Research Reports on the Middle East
Constitute Project (View the Worlds Constitutions)
Cornell University Libraries, Middle East Collection
Cornell University Libraries, Middle Eastern Studies Resource Guides
Council on Foreign Relations, Iran
Council on Foreign Relations, Israel
Council on Foreign Relations, Israeli- Palestinian Conflict
Council on Foreign Relations, Middle East & North Africa
Council on Foreign Relations, Saudi Arabia
Council on Foreign Relations, The Sunni-Shia Divide
Council on Foreign Relations, The Taliban
Council on Foreign Relations, Yemen
David Rumsey Map Collection
Digital Library of the Middle East (DLME)
Egyptian Art (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Foreign Policy Magazine
Foreign Relations Historical Documents (U.S. State Dept.)
Frontline (PBS), World
Hamas, Council on Foreign Relations
Hezbollah, Council on Foreign Relations
History Maps Project (World History)
How the Arab Spring Unfolded (visualization)
International History Declassified (Wilson Center)
International History Declassified, Browse by Topic (Wilson Center)
Iran, World News (The Guardian)
Iraq, World News (The Guardian)
Islamic Art, Timelines and Essays (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Islamic Manuscripts on the Web (from ALA/ACRL)
Israel and Gaza: A Syllabus of Background Readings (JSTOR)
Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Israel News Updates (The Guardian)
Jerusalem Post
Mesopotamia Art (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Middle East & Islamic Studies (from Columbia University)
Middle East & North Africa News (The Guardian)
Middle East Institute
Middle East Maps (Univ. of Texas Libaries)
Middle East Media Research Institute
Middle East News Coverage, Reuters News Service
Middle East Water Collection (from Oregon St.)
Near Eastern, Islamic & Arabic Studies (Yale)
NPR, Middle East News
Occupied Palestinian territory (ReliefWeb)
Palestine News Agency
PBS NewsHour, Middle East News Coverage
Rand Center for Middle East policy
Ref Desk, Middle East News sources
Saudi Arabia, World News (The Guardian)
Situation in Syria, Resources page
Syria (ReliefWeb)
Syria and U.S. Policy (Congressional Research Service 2024 Report)
Syrian Refugee Journey, (BBC Interactive)
Teaching the Middle East, Resources (Univ. of Chicago)
The Waypoint: a Visual Journey through the Island of Lesbos, the Gateway to Europe
U.S. State Department, Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs
United Nations News, the Middle East
United Nations, Peacekeeping
University of Texas Libraries, Middle East map collection
Washington Post, Middle East News
Women in the Middle East Resources page (from Yale)
Women's Rights & Democracy in the Middle East, (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace report)
Yemen (ReliefWeb)