Webliography Resources

News & Journalism
2023 Newspapers in the Digital Age (CRS Report)
2024 Index of U.S. Media Ownership, Who Owns What
2024 News Habits & Media (from Pew Research)
2024 Pulitzer Prize
2024 Reuters Institute Digital News Report
2024 World Press Freedom Index
ABYZ Newslinks, Newspapers & News Media by Regions
African American Digital Archive of Historic Newspapers (Library of Congress)
AI and the Future of the News (Reuters Institute/Oxford)
American Press Institute, Resources
Artificial Intelligence in the News, 2024 Report (Columbia, Tow Center)
Arts & Letters Daily
Atlanta Historic Newspapers, (1842- 2024)
BBC News
Black Newspapers and News Web Sites
California Digital Newspaper Collection
CBC News
Changing News Habits and Attitudes of Younger Audiences (2022 Oxford/Reuters Report)
Checklist for Evaluating Web Resources
Christian Science Monitor
Chronicling America, Browseable Topics (Library of Congress)
Chronicling America, Collection of Historic Newspapers, Interactive Map
Chronicling America, Historic Newspaper Collection (from the Library of Congress)
Chronicling America, Michigan Newspapers (Library of Congress)
CNBC, Business News
Colorado's Historic Newspaper Collection (1859- 2023)
Columbia Journalism Review
Context, International News (Thomson/Reuters)
Detroit Free Press
Detroit News
Digital Media Tutorials (Berkeley School of Journalism)
Digital Michigan Newspaper Portal (CMU)
Europeana Digital Newspapers Collection
Evaluating Sources (Univ. of Texas Libraries)
Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
Finding Digital Video on the Web (from the Univ. of Illinois)
Flickr, Historic Newspapers (Library of Congress Project)
Florida Digital Newspaper Library (1762- 1885)
Foreign Language News & Newspapers (from MIT Libraries)
Future of Media Project (Harvard)
Google, Newspapers Archive
Google's Journalist Studio
Idea Generator (Old Dominion Univ.)
In Focus (photo essays from the Atlantic)
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, Investigative Projects
Journalism Resources on the Internet, 2023 (Zillman)
Journalism Resources Online (from ALA/ACRL)
Journalism Tools from Refdesk.com
Journalist's Resource (Harvard)
Library of Congress, Searchable U.S. Newspapers Directory (from 1690- present)
Media Bias/Fact Check
MediaShift (PBS) Your Guide to the Digital Media Revolution
Michigan Newspaper Links
Michigan Public Radio
National Digital Newspaper Program
New York Times
Newsela, Current News Stories by Reading Level & Reading Standard
Newspaper Digitization Projects (from the International Coalition on Newspapers)
Newspaper Map (Browse More than 10,000 Newspapers by an Interactive World Map)
Nieman Journalism Lab
Online Newspapers.Com
Op-Ed Project
PBS Frontline, Programs by Topic
PBS NewsHour
Pew Research Center, Digital News Landscape
Pew Research Center, Misinformation
Pew Research Center, News Habits & Media, 2024
Pew Research Center, News Media Trends
Pulitzer Center, Focus Areas
Reporters without Borders
Research Strategy Guide, Journalist's Resource page
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Publications
Reuters News Service
Reuters, Pictures
Reuters, World News
Scripps News
Storybench (Digital Storytelling Resource)
The Guardian
The World (PRX.Org)
Time Magazine
Today's Front pages of more than 500 newspapers (Worldwide)
U.S. News Map (1789- 1964)
USA Today
Veridian, Digital Newspaper Archives Collections
Verification Handbook
Wall Street Journal Op/Ed
Washington Post
Web Literacy for Student Fact Checkers (Free eBook)