Media Equipment Services

All classrooms and computer labs have computer presentation systems installed (instructor station). All classrooms include a Data projector, DVD/VCRs, overheads, and other specialized media equipment. Scheduled delivery of other media equipment (slide projectors, camcorders, etc.) is made from the green Media Equipment sheets available online - in the “Miscellaneous” folder on “Forms on Discovery” (V:), e-mail us at (multiple people receive for scheduling purposes), call 734-462-4400 ext. 5330 or Fax at 734-462-4550. As equipment is scheduled on a “first come, first served” basis, a 2 working day lead time is recommended. Where possible, schedule your entire semester’s request.

For emergency repairs, call the Media Center and Media Technicians will be dispatched immediately. Notification of any defective equipment is appreciated. 

Media Services

Media services include media technology consulting, equipment training, equipment delivery and set-up, equipment repair, satellite videoconferencing, interactive classroom utilization, and computer presentations. Support for audio and video dubbing of non-copyrighted materials and classroom presentations is available.

Specialized Services

Specialized media requirements are handled on an individual basis. Support in areas such as sound, lighting and video installations, special event set-ups, interactive classroom training, or digital graphics for computer presentations is available by contacting the Media Center.

The Interactive Classroom (Video Conference) is available for live, two-way interactive classes, meetings, and presentations to other state, national, or international sites with this capability. The room can also be used by instructors to videotape lectures, demonstrations or computer presentations.

Professional video and audio production requests will be handled on an individual basis, contact us for details.