A Rubric is a tool that lists evaluation criteria for an assignment. Rubrics can help students organize their efforts to meet the requirements of an assignment. Faculty can use Rubrics to explain their evaluations to students.
Rubrics are made up of rows and columns. The rows correspond to the various criteria of an assignment. The columns correspond to the level of achievement expressed for each criterion. A description and point value for each cell in the rubric defines the evaluation and score of an assignment.
In addition to regular assignments, Blackboard's Interactive Rubrics can be associated with short answer Test questions, gradable Blogs, Journals, Wikis, and Discussion Board threads and forums.

When you are ready to grade the assignment with an interactive rubric follow these instructions. Open up the assignment you wish to grade. Next, on the right hand side of the page, notice a light blue box with the word Attempt in it and a place for a grade. At the bottom of that box there is a tiny down arrow. Click on that arrow and the box will expand to show the rubric. Finally, open the rubric by clicking the title of it. You may grade directly from the interactive rubric which will appear directly below.